two: homecoming

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I sat in one of the semi empty rooms in my new house as I was getting my daughters room finished up. All of our furniture was brought in days before but it still looks empty to me without all of the decorations. Australia was fun, but I just missed being near my family, the food, and the animals over there are no joke especially the spiders. I found a house in Chicago that's not too far from my parents since they want to help me acclimate being back in the U.S. They've been telling me that Jordan calls every now and then asking about me, but they didn't tell him about Raelynn, our daughter. I just feel like it's not my parents job to tell him, but rather mine. I haven't seen him in like four years and I say that as if RJ is not a spitting image of her dad and has his personality too.

It's like living with a Jordan 2.0 all over again. At times I do miss him and feel guilty for leaving him. My dad told me that he planned on proposing to me but my dad could be saying that so I get back with him. Just during that time period in his life a lot was going on and I felt that I was placed on the back burner. Sometimes when he would come home he wouldn't utter a word to me or just brush me off. Mentally that messed with me and I knew he wasn't cheating, but quality time is one of my love languages and we weren't doing that. I would make plans and he would cancel on me for what reason I don't know.

We talked during the first couple of months of my pregnancy, but I don't think he suspected anything. My face did gain some weight, but I stress eat sometimes and he probably thought it was that. When I found out the gender of the baby I stopped calling and picking up the phone. I was just focus on having a healthy pregnancy and labor and going incognito. Jordan would've been so happy if he knew and I took that away from him.


"I'm in your room sweetie!"

She comes running into knocking me down. I start laughing and tickle her as she screams for me to stop. We're currently in dance season right now until little league basketball starts up again. I'm testing the waters to see what activities she likes and so far she likes basketball and dance which is good.

"Who loves you the most?"

"You do mommy!"

"That's right my baby are you excited about going to San Francisco?"

I signed her up for a dance camp and she'll be there for the summer. It's a great program and they'll get to dance with other ballerina. I'm not really worried about Jordan seeing her since she'll be housed at University of San Francisco and they won't leave the campus that often. When she leave I'll be heading back to Australia to take care of something.



"I love you."

"I love you too my sweet baby", I kiss her cheek.

Literally everything about this little girl is her father. She has his eyebrows, his head shape, nose, lips, and ears . The only thing she got from me are my eyes.

There are times she has asked about her dad and I give her answers. She knows who he is and always watches the games when we could. I can say she's his biggest fan and always talks about meeting him.

"Mommy can I see my daddy while I'm in San Francisco?"

"I don't know baby you know he's busy and all because he's in the finals."

"Yeah but I can meet him after that right."

"Mommy will work on it", I kiss the side of her head.

She runs off and my dad and brother enter the room.

"All the boxes are out of the truck."

"Thank you so much for helping me dad I really appreciate it."

"So you just going to act like I didn't do shit", Ryan said.

"I didn't say that damn you always trying to start some shit."

"Aye what did I tell y'all about talking to each other like that."

"Daddy Ryan started it."

"I ain't start shit what you need to start doing is telling your baby daddy about the child he has", he mumbles.

"Ryan go downstairs and help your mother!"

"With what she's watching tv."

"Well find something to do."

After Ryan leave my dad takes a seat next to me and opens his arms. I let my body fall into his and he rubs my back telling me everything is going to be ok.

"But Ryan is right you need to tell him."

"I know", I sniffle.

"I'm serious he calls at least once a week asking about you. I want to tell him but it's not my place to...just whenever you want to tell him I'll support you."

"Thanks dad."

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