twenty three: just let my babygirl be ok

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It doesn't take us long to get to the hospital since it's literally around the corner from Chase. The guys are trying to get their breath while I'm trying to get someone's attention.

"Please I need some help! It's my daughter!"

Soon a bunch of doctors rush to me and I remove the jacket from Rae head. My heartbreaks seeing my baby girl breaking out in hives.

"Sir can you tell us what happened."

"I'm she was eating a brownie that had coconut in it she's allergic."

"She's going into anaphylactic shock let's move!"

They start pushing the gurney and I move the hair off of her smile as I smile down at my baby.

"Everything is going to be alright ok baby daddy is going to be right here waiting for you."

I try to go into the elevator with them but the nurse stops me holding me back.

"Mr. Poole she's going to be ok we'll let you know once the doctors are finished with her."

I'm still trying to fight and get out of his grip and the guys come over pulling me back. I fall on the ground sobbing thinking how could I be this irresponsible. The day I don't have an epipen on me my little girl is going into anaphylactic shock. I read about it and the shit is severe so my blood pressure probably increasing as we speak.

"Why didn't I have an epipen", I cry.


A smile takes over my face as I exit the plan with my carry on. It feels so good to be back in San Francisco! I'm so exited to see Jordan it's been four years and some change. The way he was looking over the FaceTime calls I was ready to get my hands on him. Jordan isn't the main reason why I'm here though. Raelynn's dance camp is ending tomorrow and I'm picking her up.

I kind of want to bring Jordan with me so they can meet each other, and then further introduce them while we have lunch. I don't know...the plan sounds pretty trash right now and I'm trying my best to come up with a new one. Honestly I don't know if Jordan is going to be happy when he finds out we have a daughter together. I don't know why I held it from him for all these years. Selfish...I was just being selfish and there's no excuse for my actions.

I text Jordan that I was in baggage claim and he just reads my message...weird. He normally texts back immediately or likes the message. Shaking it off I stand near the conveyor belt just smiling happy to be back in San Francisco I don't even know why I even left.


I sat on the floor clutching my hat just thinking about Raelynn. We've been in this waiting room for an hour and nobody has said anything no updates nothing. The girls said they would pick up Reyna and I went ahead and sent them her flight information. I just told them to bring her to the hospital and I'll explain everything. Raelynn Jordyn is my little girl and I'll never sappy again if they don't save her from this. I'm her daddy the one who's suppose to protect from everything that can bring harm to her way. Now look at me...I didn't protect her from the number one thing I was watching.

Tears start falling down my face thinking of how scared she has to be right now. I feel a presence next to me and I turn to my right to see Steph. He holds his hand out and I immediately grab it closing my eyes preparing myself for the prayer he was about to say.

Once he finishes my open my eyes and all the tears I was holding back spill out of my eyes. Soon the rest of my teammates join us on the floor. Positive things release from everyone's mouth and I'm starting to have a positive outlook on this.

"Jordan you did have an epipen."

"No I didn't."

"Ayesha told me that after we left she checked the locker room and you had an epipen in your cubby. You were prepared Jordan just at the time your mind was cloudy and was trying to get Rae to the hospital."

"Well it feels good to know I'm not a terrible father."

"Never that if anything I'm amazed at well you adapted to it in the span of two months."

I had no choice but to adapt to it...that little girl is my whole world.


After I retrieved my bags I decided to wait outside so I can immediately hug Jordan when he comes. Well that was half and hour ago. He texted me saying that he's at the hospital and that the girls are going to pick me up. As soon as I saw hospital I try calling him but he's not picking up any of my calls.


I turn around to Ayesha, Hazel, Sydel, and Audi running up to them. We all engulf each in a group bear hug and happy tears. Once we pull away I smile at them, and my mind quickly thinks back to Jordan.

"What's going on? Is Jordan ok?"

"Let's just go in the car he said he would explain everything to you."


"Jordan! Jordan!"

Reyna rushes in the waiting with the girls trailing closely behind her. Seeing her physically for the first time in like four years...I am speechless. She rushes over to me examine my face and body because I think telling her I'm at the hospital scared her a little bit.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine baby", I lightly smile.

"So what's going on why is the whole team here?"

"Um there's something I need to tell you."

"Father of Raelynn Poole...Mr. Jordan Poole."

Reyna's face gets pale as I walk up to the doctor with her by my side. I grip her hand for comfort and to prepare for what this doctor was about to tell me. I just want my baby girl to be ok.

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