twenty two: are you smarter than a pre-kindergartener

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Today Raelynn and I will be taking a tour of her new school. She is very excited and wanted to look her best. Currently I was rolling the lint roller on her making sure that her outfit was lint free. I decided on putting her in a khaki skirt, a white button, and a little sweater vest to go over it. Last night I braided her hair halfway and secured it with rubber bands so her curls can be loose and flow free.

"Alright baby did you finish packing your bag?"

"Yes sir."

After our tour, we have to go to Chase Center for that family event and give Juan her bag before I leave. Reyna lands a little bit before it ends so I'll be leaving early to go get her. I'm excited to see her and hope she feels the same. I cleaned my place up, with the help of the guys of course. My penthouse is looking how it did before Raelynn came here. Honestly I hate it. Without her toys and artwork it made me realize how bland the place looks. Operation redecoration is going to be put into play on Reyna leaves for Chicago.

I stand up and pull my phone out so I can take some picture of Rae to send to her grandparents, aunts, and uncles. That's another thing that's going to kill me too...changing my lock and home screen. Raelynn is both of them because I love my baby too much and now I had to change them to something else incase Reyna had to use my phone.

"You ready to see your new school baby?"


"Alright let's go."

I grab her bags and my keys before we exit the apartment saying bye to the animals.

• • •

So far the tour is going good and I think Raelynn likes the school. It's a private institution that some of my teammates kids go to and that's how I heard about it. I thought Raelynn wasn't going to like the idea of wearing a uniform, but she seemed to be ok when they mentioned it. They also let her play with some of the kids and sit in on a lesson and she absolutely loves it. The teacher was impressed with how advanced she is and I couldn't help giving myself a pat on the back.

As a part of their admissions, she took a placement test and now I'm in the principal's talking with her and a few of the pre-k students talking about her results.

"Ok Mr. Poole so Raelynn is an amazing little girl and we would be honored to have her at our school."

"But-", I sigh.

"We just feel like she's too advanced for pre-kindergarten. After looking at her results we believe that she will thrive better in kindergarten or first grade. She's knows all the basics that are being taught in kindergarten and we were very surprised that she went ahead and wrote her first and last name on the test."

Am I surprised? Not really I knew she was going to be ahead because I was giving her challenging work. When I first started following the pre-k course work I saw how bored and disinterested she was, so I switched things up.

"I want to enroll Raelynn at this school but can I just have a little time to think about moving her up."

"Yes that's is totally fine but here is her paperwork so you fill that out at home and you can scan them to us whenever you finished", she similes.

I return the smile and one of the pre-k teachers walks back in with Raelynn.

"Hi my baby did you have fun?"


We say goodbye to eveyone before heading outside to the car. Once we get to the car, I open the car door for her and watch as she gets in. I bend down so I can buckle her in her car seat.

"Baby are you ready to have the most fun in your life?"

"Yes! Bring on the fun!"

Loving her energy because I'm sending her to Juan and Audi with a sugar rush.

• • •

It has been a few hours and we are having a good time so far. Raelynn is off somewhere playing with the kids while I'm sitting with the girls at a table by the food.

"Jordan are you excited to see Reyna?"

"Yes I am", I smile.

"Awwww look at him blushing", Ayesha pinched my left cheek and I playfully brush her hand off of my face.

"Well I'm excited to see her if she's ok with hanging out with all of us again."

"Hazel she's been talking my head off for the past two days about reconnecting with y'all. She misses all of you."

They start talking about all the old memories they have with her until my attention was broken with the sound of coughing and gasping. All of the kids rush over with Raelynn and I instantly get up and bend down to her level.

"Uncle Jp Raelynn took a bite of this and started wheezing."

I take the plate from Dj and digging the fork around to see coconut flakes in the middle of the brown one. Soon  everyone is crowding around asking what they can do to help.

"I'm going to call an ambulance", I hear Klay yell.

I pay around for my pockets to see if I have an epi pen but I don't feel on. My eyes well up with tears due to the frustration. How can I be an irresponsible parents and forget the number one thing I always carry on me.

"I don't have an epi pen I can't-"

"Jordan it's going to be ok."

"I can't find an epi pen!"

I take my jacket off and pick up Raelynn using it to cover her head. Sitting and waiting for an ambulance would be too risky and they would try to take her across town to a hospital. There's one not too far from the arena and I can make it there by foot if I run.

My legs take off and I can hear everyone screaming at me. When I turn to my left I can see all the guys running next to me as we exit the doors.

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