six: winging it

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I slowly open my eye when I hear my alarm go off and look at the window. Rae must've heard it too because she squirmed a little bit then put her feet in my face. She was still asleep and I lightly shake her so I can get her ready for the day.

"Come on baby we gotta get up."

"Daddy five more minutes."

I give in and set a timer for ten while I go ahead and start brushing my teeth. While I spit my toothpaste out I hear the toilet lid being lift up and turn my head to see my daughter use the bathroom with her eyes still closed.

"Good morning baby girl."

"Good morning."

I let her continue doing her business and I back into my room to look through her suitcase. I'm going to see what I'm working so I can attempt to put an outfit together. I look through all of her clothes and smile because it's like we have similar taste in clothing. In my dresser there are a few empty draws and I decided to put her clothes in there since she'll be with me for the rest of the summer. I start to put her shoes in my closet but I decided to empty out all of the pockets to see if I miss something. There was a ziplock bag with some pens inside of it. Along with that there were written instructions in Reyna's handwriting non how to use them. No allergy list was with it so she probably put it on the form when she was enrolling Rae into the camp.

"Babygirl what are these for?"

"I'm allergic to coconut I can put it in my hair I just can't eat it...mommy says my throat could close up."

"Is that the only thing?"


I put babygirl can't eat coconut and place it as a reminder just to help me remember. After getting her outfit together I walk into the bathroom to see her already brushing her teeth and washing her face. While she's doing that I decide to use this time to throw on my workout clothes and packing my outfit in my back. I also put an epipen in there as well just to prepared incase anything happens.

"Daddy I'm ready to get dressed now!"

I walk back into the bathroom with her clothes and help her get into them. It was pretty chilly outside so I decided to put her in some sweat pants, a golden state shirt she had, and some wolf grey dunks she had. Once she situated, we were about to leave until she handed her brush to me.


"You have to brush my hair."

I take the brush out of her hand and look at her head confused.

"Baby girl there's nothing wrong with it now let's go."

"No my hair is messy daddy."

"But baby girl we don't have time daddy has somewhere to be."

She stomps her foot and crosses her arms staring at me with a strong glare. We seriously don't have time so I grab one of my beanies and put it on top on her head.


She smiles a little bit and I pick her up grabbing my keys.

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