Just so you are aware <33

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Hi I just wanted to come on here and just make a statement. This always just seems like the best place because this book, no matter how badly written, always has had a lot of traffic. Its also the first book I've ever written (in general and on this platform).That being the fact, it will always hold a special place in my heart.

I see a lot that this book still gets a fair amount of people reading, hearting, and commenting on the chapters- which I love to see every time I open wattpad. What I do want to let you know is that I do take the time to read every comment that I get, no matter what book it is. I'm not popular enough/my writing isnt done well enough so the volume of comments really isn't a big deal to get through (even if it was, I'd still try my best to).  So I take the time to go through them. From criticism to kind words that I know that this book DOESNT deserve because it's poorly structured and delivered. I have seen everything on here.

I know that I stated that I would be making a rewritten version of this book and that I had started it years ago and never even got to publishing the third chapter. To be honest with you, I was taking to heart all of the negative feedback and comments that basically told me it was unneeded and unwanted so I lost the passion and drive for doing it. I had managed to write around twenty-ish chapters before it took a toll and I was just feeling like shit with every chapter I finished. It wasn't ever good enough and even the pages I did publish I ended up hating so much.

So if you were to go on my profile you would see, instead of the multitude of books I've published over the years, a practically empty page with just two books. This one and my Star Wars fic (which will be unpublished and sent to the drafts later today). I've lost a lot of motivation over the years for writing on this platform because of negativity surrounding this book and the grammatical errors that I made as a kid. It's made severely insecure about the way I write and while I know that I've had clear improvement over the years, as anyone would, it still stresses me out when I'm about to press publish. I'm just not sure that writing on here is the best for me and even though I love creative writing and bringing the stories in my head to the page- most of the time it doesn't feel worth it.

I'm someone who knows that if you can't handle online negativity then there's no reason for you to be in that space, so I've felt the need over the years to step away. Which is why there was never an update for any book, except when I had random bursts of inspiration. I was always writing, but none of anything I wrote has ever or will ever be published (at least with how I'm feeling now). This is no one's fault, everyone is entitled to their opinion and entitled to voice that opinion, especially criticism. I'm just choosing to remove myself from the equation.

I'm sorry to anyone this may disappoint or anyone who has genuinely enjoyed my books/writing in the years I've been an author on here. I love you and thank you so much for supporting me. I may get back to publishing on here, but I will for sure never stop writing creatively for myself.

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now