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~Julie's Pov~

Daryl was driving the truck and I was quietly leaning against the window thinking about what happened all but hours ago.

Flash Back~

"Daryl go I'm staying" he ran over to me and knelt down

"no you ain't you promised me we'd find my brother I ain't leaving without ye"

I sigh "Daryl go now" "no if you're staying I am to" my eyes widened I yanked him up and we ran out of the C.D.C

Flash Back End

Daryl... took away my choice...My decision since I lived I am going to help find his brother but, after that I am blocking everyone out and leaving...

"Julie..." I sigh and cut him off "don't Daryl just not now.."

he looks over at me and says "what the hell Julie I wasn't going to just let ye go that easily" I felt another tear roll down my cheek "since when did you care about the choices I make Dixon?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"I...I don't.. I mean fuck Julie I don't know" another tear rolls down he can't see them though seeing as he is driving and i'm facing the window not him then I say "stop the car"

"what?" I sigh "you heard me Dixon stop the car" he slowed down and then stopped everyone stopped as well and I got out of the truck and got my bike from the back of the truck and Rick came up to me and asked

"what are you doing?" "I am going to take my bike instead" he nodded slowly and walked back to his vehicle.

I start up my bike and get on it and follow them.

after awhile we come up to a highway that is packed I drive up to the R.V. and dale yells over my roaring engine "Do you see a way through?!"

I slightly nod and lead them threw the cars I hear a screech and pull over and see smoke coming from the R.V.

Dale came out and said stuff I was to far away to hear not that I cared I was getting distant for their sake and for mine.

Daryl came up to me and I just turned my head away from him some thing in my heart was aching but I didn't know what it was he stopped and said

"i'm sorry fer whatever I did to make ye upset Jules" he said looking down. I looked at him and said "Daryl I wanted to stay get my life over with I had and have nothing to live for I amd going to keep my word to you but after that I am leaving got it?"

He looked at me wideyed I say a tear threatening to come out of his ey and stepped closer to him and said "Daryl are you okay? I mean you always seemed like you didn't care.."

"Of course I care fer you woman I mean you're the best thing I got right now with my brother gone"

I was shocked I mean literally shocked to my core Daryl cared about me?

I walked closer to him and wrapped my arms around him In a hug he stiffened then realaxed and wrapped his arms around me. "thank you Dixon" he chuckled "fer what?"

"for caring" he walked away after that and I scavenged supplies from cars Daryl then came back over and covered my mouth and forced me under a car "what the hell Daryl!?" he shushed me and pointed to the walkers shuffling I whimpered in fear and Daryl pulled my close to him.

after the "Herd" passed I heard Sophia scream so ran out from under the car and took off into the direction.

I caught up to her and picked her up and she screamed a bit and I shushed her. "Sophia it's ok it's just me" "shoot them" she reached for my revolver "no if I shoot them then it wont just be two it will be hundreds." I ran with her in my arm and stopped at a large tree.

"climb go!" she did as told and climbed after her and I held her in my arms on a sturdy branch. "we will find our way back after the walkers pass" she nodded 

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now