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Julies Pov~

I woke up by the sound of birds chirping and the god damn sunlight shining in my eyes through the tent I groaned and tried to get up Key word TRIED!..... Something or someone was holding m down by my waist.

I looked down and saw none other than Daryl Dixon and his arms wrapped around my waist I couldn't help but smile and blush a bit.

I got down near his ear and whispered "Daryl get ye ass up so I can move around" he just groaned and pulled me closer if it was possible I sighed and yelled "Dixon get ye lazy ass up!"

His eyes shot open and he looked at me with an angry look. I smirked and said "good now do ya mind letting me go now" I pointed to my waist and he quickly let go and mumbled "sorry"

I laughed a bit and said "it's fine it was kinda nice" I smirked again and he gave me a glare and I chuckled.

"Okay Dixon face the other way I gotta get dressed" he rolled his eyes and said "why? ye will still be wearing some'thin under ye clothes now"

I rolled my eyes and said "because perv just do it" he didn't he just stayed how he was and I sighed and grabbed my clothes and walked out of the tent and behind the tent and changed into a baggy top and black skinny (really skinny) jeans and my combat boots.

I got my weapons and stuff out of the tent and walked to the main area. I looked down at myself and realized part of my flower tattoo was showing oh no..

After a little while people were outside with their bags and shit. I looked over in the direction of Daryl and saw he was checking me out I just smirked and walked over to him and whispered to him "like what ye see Dixon?"

He rolled his eyes and walked away I laughed and I heard Rick call everyone over so I walked to him and he said "Okay everyone lets get going for anyone who has a C.B. we'll be on channel 40"

Morales stepped up and said "we're not coming with you" everyone looked shocked but me I knew there was going to be one of them that was going to back out.

"We have family in Birmingham we want to be with our people" Rick nodded and handed him a pistol and a box half full with ammo

After the Morale family left the camp and Rick turned to me and said "Julie are you planning on riding you motorcycle?"

I nodded "I wasn't planning on leaving it behind if that's what you meant" he hook his head and waved for Daryl to come over

"Daryl can she put 'er bike in your truck with yours?" Daryl rolled his eyes and said "whatever" after we put my bike in the back of the truck I got in the passenger's side and Daryl in the driver's and we headed to the C.D.C hoping to find some thing anything at all.

The ride there was awkwardly silent didn't know what to say to him and I didn't think he did either he finally broke the silence by saying "why are ye being so damn quite? you're usually loud as hell" 

I shrugged in response "I got nothing ta say" he rolled his beautiful eyes HOLD UP! did I just think his eyes were beautiful SNAP out of it Julie you don't like Daryl!

I shook the thought of as the truck came to a stop and I realized we were at the C.D.C I sighed and got out Dixon doing the same.

We walked over to the building with the group and the shudders where down and everyone was yelling and walking back to the vehicles until  Rick said "The camera it moved." Dale said "you're imagining it"

they argued but I was keeping my promise to Rick when I said i'd stand by him for anything.

"I believe Rick this man knows what he saw so i'm sticking by him for better or worse."

everyone looked at me shocked but still continued to argue and try getting us to the cars until we heard an ear piercing shriek the C.D.C Shutters opened and everyone rushed inside with our stuff included.

There stood a man with a assault rifle on the steps the group and him were talking but again I tuned out I hate these conversations.

The next thing I knew we were in a tiny elevator I was being smashed between Daryl and Shane. you see Daryl I was comfortable with it was Shane I didn't trust at all!

Daryl saw I was uncomfortable and he gave me a reassuring smile and I smiled back then he said "since when do doctors go packing heat like that?"

"we had pliantly lying around I familiarized myself"

We got of the elevator and things got pretty interesting I knew not to trust this plan   

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now