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Julie's Pov-

I found Sam and Jess about 3 weeks ago and we've been on the move constantly I told them about my past group and we've been looking for them for a while now.

We found a car that had gas and the keys and packed our stuff in it I still wasn't planning on leaving my bike behind and it still had some gas left in it.

I got on it and motioned Jess over to me. She walked over "yeah Jules??" I smiled slightly at the girl that I've grown attached to over the time we've been together surviving.

"I was thinking that you, Sam, and I could go check out that prison we spotted on the map. I'm hoping we could clear out some walkers and try and Sleep in a cellblock for the time being" She simply nodded and went over to Sam who was skinning a squirrel I caught and brought back.

While I sat on my bike my mind traveled to the one person who I miss more than anything the one person who saved my life on more than one occasion.


God damn that redneck. I hope he and the rest of the group are okay. I still wonder if they bothered going back to look for me after I saved Glenn's ass back at the Pharmacy.....

Daryl Pov-

-3 Months Earlier-

I was going crazy Glenn took Julie out on a run and it's been at least a half an hour.. I just couldn't stop worrying about her.

I hate this feeling! I hate constantly having to look over my shoulder to see if she is alright or constantly having her on my mind even when she's right next to me.

I hear the car pull up and I jog over and see Glenn get out shakily I look around and don't see Julie.

I feel worried and angry as soon I see she isn't with him. "Where is she?" I ask stepping closer to the Chinamen.

"i...i...She" He stuttered "WELL?!? WHERE IS SHE!?" I ask raising my voice "Daryl calm down" I hear Rick from behind me.

I slightly calm down Glenn speaks up finally! "She... Saved me we got attacked by walkers and she helped me get away"

I froze. Anger boiling inside me "AND YOU LEFT HER THERE!!?!?" I yelled in his face. "Daryl it sounds like her didn't have much a choice.

"To hell with ya'll! Just tell me where you left her so I can go get her" i got on my bike and started it up.

Glenn told me and I took off only to find a bunch of dead Geeks but, no Julie.

-Present Day At The Prison-

I was sitting inside a guard tower with my back against the wall still beating myself up for letting her go with him.

It was killing me. Still three months later I still missed everything about her. I hope she is still out there still breathing.

I remember I thought about the feeling I had for her and how I hated it now I would do anything to have it back.

"Daryl!" I heard Carol yell up to me. I don't know why she's been trying to get close to e and it's getting on my damn nerves.

"What?!" I yell back "Come Down Here For A Minute!" I sighed and climbed down the later of the tower and say "what the hell you-" I stopped when I saw her.. Julie..

She smiled that smile I've been missing so god damn much and said "Daryl"

Julie Pov-

-1 hour earlier-

We where headed towards the prison on the map with them in the car and me trailing behind on my bike.

My head going back remembering all the times where I was happy. Before the world went to shit. I smiled to myself.

We pull up to the prison and the front is cleared of walkers. I see someone in the prison. A kid with a sheriff hat on. I look closer and smile widely as I realized it was Carl.

I jump off my bike and towards the fence "CARL!!!!" I yell he turns and his eyes widened "JULIE?!?!" Tears slip from my eyes tears of happiness.

I stop at the fence and lay my forehead on it "I missed you kid" I reach my hand through and he grabs it "we missed you Julie"

I smile at him and he returns it "let me let you in" I nod and ran back over to my bike and he opened the gate and we drove in.

as soon as I was in i jumped off my bike and ran to Carl. I hugged him and we fell. I Laughed and so did he. I heard a gun cock behind my head and Carl's eyes widened "NO DAD!"

I wink at Carl and get off of him and roll over and cross my arms saying "this is how a girl gets welcomed back Rick?" His eyes widened and Carl laughs while standing.

Rick puts his gun away and helps me up and embraces me in a hug "nice to see you still breathing Julie" "right back at you Rick"

He lets go and Sam and Jess walk over slowly I smile "Jess, Sam, This is the group I was with before I found you."

They smiled and I turned to Rick "Where's Daryl?" I ask with hopeful eyes. He smiles and chuckles "Guard Tower" I nod and walk over to where I see Carol standing her back turned to me.

I tap her shoulder and she turns eyes wide I smile sheepishly "Is that the same response I'm Going to get from everyone" She nods slowly and hugs me. 

I chuckle "Can you take me to Daryl??" she nods and we walk over to a guard tower and she yells up to him and I hear him yell back and my heart flutters.

He comes down and says "What the hell do-" He sees me and stops eyes widened I smile lightly the face of the man who I've been dying to see forever I finally see.. "Daryl" I say


HI guys I'm so sorry for not updating in forever I've been really sick!! Please don't hate me.! 

well until next time bye!)

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now