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Julie's Pov

My vision started to come back but everything was still a blur. I blinked and everything cleared up. Looking around I see I'm in a room that the walls look like they're made steel or some type of metal, there is plywood lying around everywhere, a metal table in front of me, and another chair on the other side of the table.

My head was throbbing and I felt a warm liquid run down my forehead 'blood' I thought To make matters worse my hands and legs were bound to my chair by ropes.

Just then the metal door swings open and a man with one hand and where the other hand is suppose to be there is a knife strapped on to a large metal thing covering where I assume a stub is.

"Well, well, well, look at this the girly's finally awake" He said with a thick southern accent that in a way reminded me of Daryl.

I glared at the man. "Let. Me. Go" I said through gritted teeth. "No can do you see you're part of that group that Glenn and the farmers daughter are in and I need to know where ya'll are staying so I can go get my baby brother you know him right? Daryl"

I stayed silent 'Daryl is his brother oh god' "Merle?" I ask he chuckles and slightly chuckles "you heard of me?" I nod still not knowing why I'm talking to my capture "Yeah I joined the group when you got left behind and they were going back. I was part of the people who went to go get you back I promised Daryl I would help him find you" I say looking down.

He was silent "You could make good on that promise just tell me where he is" I look up awaiting the slap I knew I was going to get after this "Go To Hell Merle"

Daryl Pov

Julie has been gone for an hour and a half now and I've been pacing for the last 20. Rick walked in and saw my pacing  "Daryl are you okay?" I just shook my head still pacing. I was hoping she'd walk through the door any second and be fine.

He sighed and stood in front of me stopping my pacing. "What's wrong?" I sigh and run a hand through my hair "Julie's been gone for a half an hour."

Rick sighed and looked down "She was telling the truth" I eyed him "Who was telling the truth?" He looked at me and he said "A woman we found her she had a bullet wound and she said that a man that calls himself the governor took some of our group"

I push past him and grabbed my crossbow while say "I just got her back I am not loosing her again" 


The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now