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Julie's Pov.

"hey Daryl" I said as he sits next to me on top of the fallen over bus. "Hey" I sigh and look over to him "Daryl are you okay you've been really quite since I got back"

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair "I'm just worried 'bout the Governer" I tilit my head in confusion Governer? "Daryl I've been gone for a couple of months your going to have to fill me in" He chuckles.

"The Governer is the guy who runs this 'town' full of people and he's trying to kill us..." My eyes went wide "What?! and no one thought to tell me?" he sighed again "Because you just got back we didn't want to worry you"

I ran a hand through my hair stressfully 'Can't I get a break?' I thought. "I'm going to go for a walk I need to clear my head" I said looking over to him. "not alone you're not" I roll my eyes and hop off the bus bringing my crossbow down with me.

"Yes I am" I walk to the gate and open it and walk out and then close it again. Turning around and shooting a walker in the head and retreaving my arrow.

_5 Minutes later_

So far my walk turned into hunting. I have about 6 squirels attached to my belt I'm doing decent. I heard a twig snap so I turned around quickly while aiming my crossbow at as guy that had his gun raised.

"Drop the gun or I garentee this isn't going to end well for you" He slowly lowered his gun and dropped it while smirkeing. I glared at him.

Just then I feel a sharp pain on the back of my head and everything goes black.....

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now