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Whole chapter in Daryl's Pov. (R.I.P Hershel You Will Be Missed)

Daryl Pov:

Everyone got their gun and into their cars and set off for Woodbury to find the part of our group the Governor took.

When we got there I quickly got out of the car and made my way around the building everyone knew the plan. 'Get in, get our people, get out' That's it.

I made my way around a corner to see a girl with a bag over her head with her hands handcuffed and legs bound with rope. The girl had no shirt on either.

They left her out here to either fry from the heat of the sun or get eaten by the walkers. 'Poor girl wonder what she did' I thought as I ran up to her taking the bag off her head to reveal her.....


My heart stopped for a second seeing her right cheek bruised, her lip cut, and her back had bloody whip marks.

I cut the ropes of her legs and feet. She was out cold from blood loss, the suns heat, or just from panic I don't know.

My blood was boiling with anger and I swore I would kill who ever did this to her. The handcuffs that where on her were going to have to come off when I get to the prison. I threw her over my shoulder carefully.

Just as I started jogging back to the car I heard gunshots and a lot. I assume they found the others. When I finally got back to the cars I gently layed Julie in the back of a car careful of the whip marks.

Glenn, Maggie, Michonne, and Rick came. Everyone was okay thank go except for Oscar. "Oscar?" They just shook their heads. "dammit!" I growled.

"Julie?" They asked "In the back" Rick nodded "How bad?" "Bastards whipped her and left her to die" He sighed.

Glenn spoke "Daryl....This was Merle.." I froze and tensed 'Looks like Julie kept her promise even if she didn't mean to.....and it cost her a lot......"

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now