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Julie's Pov~

I opened my eyes and groaned. I blink. Once, twice, thrice. I sat up on the cot in the cell. 'get dressed, and go help' my mind said. I stood up grabbed my bag and grabbed black skinny jeans, combat boots, and a purple V-necked shirt.

I slipped them on and strapped all my weapons on leaving my katana in the cell. I walked out into cell block C and saw Rick holding Judith or I as I call her 'Lil ass Kicker'.

I smiled at him and walked into the 'kitchen' area and grabbed a bottle and formula and made some food for Judith. I brought the freshly made bottle over to Rick who looked like he hadn't slept all night.

"Rick why don't you get some sleep?" he looked at me "I don-" "I'll take care of everything don't worry worse comes to worse I'll ask Daryl for help" He nodded and carefully passed Judith off to me. I held her in my arms and fed her the bottle gently rocking her back and forth.

I sat down on one of the metal seats and fed her until the bottle was empty..

Daryl Pov~

I woke up feeling like shit. 'well you should' the voice in my head said "I'm going crazy" I mumbled to myself. I walked out into Cell block A and walked until I got into the 'Kitchen' area of Cell block C.

When I got there I heard Julie making a shushing noise. I looked around the corner to see her holding Rick's kid Judith. She was attempting to get her to fall asleep I assume.

My heart clenched at the sight but in a good way...

Narrator Pov-

 After futile attempts of getting the baby to fall asleep Julie thought for about thirteen seconds before coming up with an idea that might work.

She was going to sing to her...

She wouldn't of even thought of that if she knew Daryl was in the room but, she didn't know... She decided on a song that she used to sing to her baby sister before she passed away from cancer. Ironically it was call 'When you can't sleep at night'

"Here in this world I'm a awaked with mistakes, But it's love that keeps fueling me, fueling me,

Pretty little lady with your swollen eyes won't you show them to me, I know I'm not that perfect but stay awhile and then you will see" Julie sang.

Daryl watched in aw as she sang. To him her voice was angelic in reality her voice was really beautiful, soft and loving.

She continued singing and by the end of the song Judith was fast asleep. She walked over to her make shift crib and lay her down gently.

~Julie Pov~

I put Judith down in her make shift crib knowing when Beth got up she would feed her and hold her. I grabbed my crossbow from the table and went into the tombs.

Today Rick and I where suppose to clear them out so we could spread a little further to make a library and infirmary. I made my way into the tombs crossbow aimed.

I looked around and saw nothing I spray painted an arrow on the all so I knew my way back. I heard shuffling behind me and turned quickly and saw nothing.

 I headed that way and looked down the two way hall only to see a walker on top of someone. I ran and shot an arrow In the walkers head the guy threw the walker off of him and I saw who it was.\


'Stalker' I thought "what the hell are you doing in the tombs you could of gotten killed!" I snapped at him. "So could you!" he spat back. "I told you things are different  around here now you can't go doing whatever you want let alone follow me!"

"whatever" he mumbled "Get out of the tombs and go do something" he turned and started walking out of the tombs "and Dixon" he turned and looked at me I threw a knife and it went right passed his face and into a walkers eye. "we're even"

With that I turned and walked away to clear the tombs of all the walkers..


The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now