Welcome To The Tombs

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  • Dedicated to All Of You <3

~Julie's Pov~

I'm running around in the prison getting guns, all of us are preparing for the Governor to come and try to attack us. So far so good I guess. We have spikes set up on the pathway so when they drive their cars through their tires will pop.

We have wooden planks with metal plates on the front so they cant see us or for when they attempt to shoot at us. Lastly we have all the guns spread out, some of them in the walkways behind the planks, and some in different towers.

I sighed heavily and dropped the last bag of guns in the Green Mitsubishi. I dropped to the floor exhausted. "You okay?" I looked up to see Daryl. I wasn't as upset with him as I was before I don't even know why I was upset with him in the first place.

I got off the ground and dusted myself off before nodding. "Yeah the sooner this is over with the better." I said I walked away towards a guard tower I chose. I opened the door to it and climbed the long staircase. I got to the top just as the cars where pulling out of the Prison.

I closed my eyes and sighed stressfully running a hand through my hair. Just as everything got quiet a loud explosion sounded. My eyes shot open and I ducked behind the planks. I took a peak and gasped one of the guard towers was on fire.

I became very wary of the spot I was in at the moment. The Governors cars pulled up and people piled out with assault rifles. I saw Martinez with a grenade launcher. Who has one of those now a days?!

"Start Searching" I heard someone say I looked in that direction and saw the Governor. "Yes sir" Martinez said walking with a group of people following him. Most of their 'soldiers' were teenagers. I shook my head solemnly 'poor kids' I thought to myself.

All of the people from Woodbury went inside to search I looked over to the walkway and saw Maggie looking over at the area where Glenn was at. She looked at me and nodded slowly. I could tell she didn't want to hurt the teens either.

After a while they all came out and the Governor looked pissed that we weren't in there. They started walking back to their cars just as they got there we started shooting. Some turned around and shot back. Martinez looked over to the tower I was in and shot at the tower with a pistol.

"Son of a Bi***!" I yelled as I fell. "Retreat!" I heard someone yell shortly after I heard cars pull away. I took my hand off the side of my stomach and looked at my hand. A Dark Crimson liquid was sliding down my fingers. 'Blood' was my first thought.

My vision was blurring. "We did it?!" I heard Maggie yell. "Yeah" Glenn said. I heard cars pull up and doors shut. "Where's Julie?" I heard Daryl ask "Up in the tower" Hershel said.

Footsteps where running up the steps and the door opened. "Oh god no!" Daryl yelled. "Get Help!!" He yelled down from the side. I felt my body being picked up my eyes dropped. "No no no stay awake" Daryl said.

He was running down the steps "What happened?" Beth asked "She got shot" Glenn said "Quickly in here" I felt myself getting put down on a cot I assume it was. I passed out after that I assumed from blood lost.

~Daryl Pov~

No not again' I thought as I saw Julie lying there bleeding. Her eyes dropped closed. I picked her up and ran down the steps I hadn't realize I was actually saying stuff until now. I put her down on a cot like Hershel said.

But then she went limp. "Is she?" "Dead? No she passed out from blood lost" Hershel said I nodded slowly and stormed out of the cell block and up to Rick "You let her stay?!" I yelled "She wanted to I couldn't force her to leave"

"She Got Shot Rick!!!" I yelled getting in his face "What?" he asked oh yeah he didn't know he just pulled up now "She has a bullet in her stomach!" His face dropped and he looked pale "h...How?"

I was fuming "How the hell am I supposed to know all I know is the next time I see the Governor he's dead" "Daryl I'm going to Woodbury to finish this" Rick said calmly.

Without a word I got on my bike and started it "we ain't got all day" I said Rick got into his car with Glenn and Maggie and we drove to Woodbury.

~Julie's Pov~

I woke up gasping for breath. "It's okay calm down" I heard a familiar voice say I looked over and saw Hershel "Thank god" I said I was very happy I was still alive this being the second time I've been shot

"Is everyone okay?" I asked He nodded "Rick, Maggie, Glenn, and Daryl went to Woodbury to finish this" I nodded slowly.

"Now how'd this happen?" Hershel asked looking at my bullet wound. "Martinez shot me when we started to attack them" He nodded.

"You know sometimes I wonder why I am still alive I mean I've been shot twice the universe seems like it doesn't want me around anymore."

Hershel chuckled at my words "The thing is Julie it's not what the world wants it's not even what god wants it's what you want. It's what you're willing to do to survive in this world. It doesn't matter if it gets tough it's the cards you've been dealt."

"You're either willing to die or willing to fight for your life. Whatever your choice it's up to you. You have to do what you have to if you want to survive it's do or die" Hershel said

"How'd you get so wise?" I asked laughing he chuckled "when you have kids you have to be" we laughed for a little bit before we heard cars pull up. Hershel got his crutches and started hobbling out I stood carefully and walked out holding my side.

I saw a huge bus parked in the prison with people pouring out. 'These are the people from Woodbury' I thought. I smiled lightly and looked over at Daryl to find him looking at me already.

Rick didn't have the heart to leave these people let alone kill them himself.

So they're joining us...

You see nobody is ever prepared for something like the zombie apocalypse. The best thing you can do when it happens is survive and pray that when the world goes to hell that you'll have someone with you to watch your back. For me when the world went to hell that person I could count on was none other than .......Daryl Dixon.....

The World Goes To Hell *A Daryl Dixon Love Story* By: WintersImmortal

Norman Reedus as..... Daryl Dixon

WintersImmortal as..... Julie James White

SarahCake13 as.......Samantha White

TeenWolffan4ever as......Jessica

Andrew Lincoln as.....Rick Grimes

Chandler Riggs as.......Carl Grimes

Steven Yuen as...... Glenn Rhee

Lauren Cohen as......Maggie Greene

Emily Kinney as.........Beth Greene

Jon Bernthal as.........Officer Shane Walsh

Sarah Wayne Callies as.....Lori Grimes

Michael Rooker as.......Merle Dixon

But Who Knows What Can Happen If We Were In

A World That Parishes *A Daryl Dixon Love Story* ~Sequel To The World Goes To Hell~

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now