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Julie's Dream~

I was in a meadow running around and spinning in circles wearing a white dress. "Julie! Wait up!" I giggle and turn to face him. Him being Daryl Dixon. I smile at him and he smiles that beautiful smile back.

"Slow poke!" I poke his cheek he rolls his eyes playfully. "whatever" he mumbles "what was that?" "nothing nothing"

I spin around and feel like I have no worries in the world. Daryl looks at me amused I giggle at him and he approaches me again and wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to him.

I smile up at him and he leans in and I do as well. our lips meet in a sweet passionate kiss. we pull away to catch our breath "I love you, Julie" "I love you too"

A twigs snaps from behind me and I turn quickly and see a herd of walkers my eyes widened in fear. "Daryl!" I turn around to see Daryl as a walker I scream and sob he lunges and tear me a part.

~Julie's Pov~

I feel pain and I shoot up screaming only to have people pin me down holding me down to try to stop me from struggling.

A unfamiliar voice says "Hold her down!" Someone else says "we're trying!" I scream in pain as I feel some thing digging into my flesh trying to pull some thing out of me.

"Stop Please!!" I scream a familiar southern accented voice yells "STOP YOU'RE KILLING HER!!!" someone replies but I don't hear the rest I pass out due to blood loss and the pain.

~Rick's Pov~

I layed her down on the bed and asked the man "Is..is she alive?" the old man said "get the pillow case and fold it put pressure on the wound" I did as told and repeat my question "Is she alive?"

He put a stethoscope to her chest and says "there is a heart beat but it's faint"  he got tweaser like thing and moved me out of the way and plunged them inside her wound and started searching for the bullet shards.

Moments later Daryl bursts into the room and she starts screaming in agony I grabbed her wrists and pinned them down and Daryl pins her legs down Hershel yells "hold her down!"

"We're Trying!" I replied she screamed "STOP PLEASE!!" I could tell Daryl was about to lash out on the old man

"Stop you're killing her!" he yelled she passed out and we thought she died mine and Daryl's eyes widened "She just past out" the man said as he pulled out a bullet shard "one down 5 to go" he continued.

~Daryl's Pov~

I couldn't bare to see her in so much pain I stormed out of the house and took off towards the woods. I don't know why I cared so much I mean I barley know the girl..

Maybe its the fact that she promised she'd help find Merle and that's all that's all... but she is just so amazing.. NO DARYL STOP IT!!!

I sighed and heard a rustle I turned around and saw a squirrel and shot it with my cross bow right between the eyes I was heading back towards the farm lost in thought

all the thoughts were about Julie and how I felt about her


Hey guys WintersImmortal here I would just like to thank you guys for reading again my story has gotten a lot of views and votes and i am very grateful and honored to have it thank you so much!)

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now