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~Julie's Pov~

I walked over to my bike and kneeled down. "Dammit" I cursed under my breath. My bike has a flat tire. I shook my head and stood up. "something wrong?" Daryl asked walking up. "Just that my damn bike has a flat" I spat.

He rubbed my back soothingly "I'm pretty sure I can fix it" He said. I sighed and shook my head no "nah I'll figure something out" I sighed. "Hey I wanted to take you somewhere" Daryl said. I nodded and walked away from him and into cell block C.

"Sammy!" I yelled out through the cell block. She walked out "what?" she asked "I'm bored" I said sheepishly she looked at me with a bored expression "and you want me to do what about it? We're in a zombie apocalypse Jules what are we suppose to do?"

I sighed dramatically "I don't know entertain me please!" I begged She shook her head and walked away "I don't need you!" I yelled teasingly. "Where is Jess?" I asked myself walking into her cell. "Jess?" I called.

I sighed when I couldn't find her. I walked out of the cell block and bumped into Daryl. "oh hey" I said he grabbed my hand and led me to his bike "I told you I wanted to take you somewhere" He said letting go of my hand  and getting on his bike.

I got on too holding onto his waist as he revved the engine Carl opened the gate and we drove off. We drove for about 30 minutes before we pulled to a stop. He put up the kickstand and got off me following suit.

He took hold of my hand and led me through the forest to a lake and a little cabin that looks like it was built and never lived in. I gasped. "Oh my god Daryl when did you find this?" I asked still gaping over the sight that looks like it was never touched by walkers.

"I found it when I was going on a run a couple days ago I cleared one or two walkers when I found it but that's it" He said.. I nodded and we walked closer and I smiled to myself.

"Why'd you bring me here" I asked He looked over at me "Because I wanted to take you away from it all you've been through so much you deserved a break" He said sincerely I smiled at him. "thank you" I said he nodded.

I looked at the lake and smirked a plan forming in my head. I pulled Daryl to the side and pushed him into the lake and started laughing when he resurfaced he looked pissed. "I...I'm sorry I had too" I said between laughs.

It didn't take long until I felt myself being pulled into the cold water I screeched I glared at Daryl "what the hell!?" I yelled "payback" was all he said. He smirked. I smiled at him and swam around him doing the same. 

I swam up to him and he held my waist while my arms wrapped around his neck. I leaned in and kissed his lips softly he kissed back.

I ran my hands through his wet hair and he brought me closer. Sadly me lungs where crying for air and we broke apart. I smiled softly at him and he actually smiled back.

"I love you Daryl Dixon" I whispered

"I love you too Julie" He said back.

One Hour Later At The Prison (No They Did Not Do That)

We arrived at the prison and I couldn't be happier but all good things must come to an end unfortunately. Carl Ran up to us right when I got off the bike "Julie Daryl We have an intruder that came from Woodbury we need you"

We nodded and ran behind Carl. Rick was standing in front of a guy that I couldn't see. "what's going on Rick?" I asked

"He came from Woodbury claiming to know someone from here" He stated I raised and eyebrow stepping closer and that's when I saw him.....

Michael.... My Ex-Fiancée..

(Picture on the side of Michael)

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now