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~Julie's thoughts~

I've been thinking a lot lately and a thought crossed my mind is this feeling I have towards Daryl love? No god no not in this world not any time soon.

It can't be love... It just can't be.. this world isn't the place to start a realshonship not that he likes me in that way..

It's not love... It can't be... Can it?

~Julie's Pov~

I was out of the shower and dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a red V-necked shirt.

it felt nice to finally be clean and dressed in clean clothes I mean if I could feel like this everyday I would but in this world I do not have that option.

I walked out of the house and sat on the swing chair on the porch and swung for a little while and I closed my eyes.

I felt some one sit next to me and I opened my eyes to see Glenn I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Hey Glenn" he replies "hey Julie... I was wondering if you wanted too goo on a run today" I smile and nodded. he smiles and gets up and walks toward camp as do I.

I walk into the R.V. where I remember leaving my crossbow. I go in and see Daryl which confused me because I rarely ever see him in here.

I smile at him and he smiles back slightly. "hey" i say he nods and i roll my eyes. "do you know where my crossbow is? I ask looking around

"Yeah Why We're Ye going?" he answers "I'm going with Glenn on a run" I turn around to see him with my Black crossbow he sighs and hands it to me.

"Be careful Jules" I smile and say "I always am" I kiss his cheek and walk out thinking about what I had just done I shake it off and find Glenn he turns to me and smiles

"you ready?" he asks I smile and nod. I put my knife in my boot and we get into a car and head into town.

~Daryl's Thought/Pov~

I was frozen in place after she kissed my cheek still wondering what the feeling that I had towards her is.

After a minute I snap back into reality and walk out of the R.V. to see Glenn and Julie heading off the farm in a car heading into town for their run.

I walk to my little 'campsite' and sit on a log near the fire and think my eyes widened when I figured out what the feeling might be

Love....no it can't be....can it?

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now