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Hey guys and girls sorry it has been taking so long for me to update my story I have no excuse! Just as a heads up at the beginning of each chapter I decided to put one of the characters thoughts they're mostly going to be Julie's though so enjoy!

~Julie's Thoughts~

I am semi-happy I mean I'm alive but, for how long? I mean I was just shot by some one. It's not something you would think happens often in this world today yet.. it happened to me I'm just happy it was me rather than Carl.

You know I thought I was going to die? Well I didn't but apart of me wished that I had. I just didn't want to be torn apart by flesh eating monster that once where people. No one deserves that no matter who they are or where I don't wish that upon anyone.

Do you remember what people used to say before the world went to complete shit? They used to say when you have a near death experience you see your life, people you care about, and the most important things in your life flash before your very eyes well.... something like that happened to me.

The first thing that appeared in my mind was the crossbow wielding redneck that I have grown attached to over the time I've been with this group.

Daryl Dixon.

I don't know what it means exactly but I know one thing that I care a great deal for him I trust him with my life. He saved me countless times and stopped me from making the worst decision of my entire existence committing suicide at the Center For Disease Control and I am so grateful to him.

What is this feeling I have for him?


~Julie's Pov~

After I talked to Daryl awhile I walked back to camp and saw Carl and Sophia playing still I smiled at the sight just to see that they are happy gives me hope that the world isn't as bad as It seems but the thought only crosses my mind for a second before it disappears along with all my hope.

Another thought crosses my mind the thought of what could of happened to sweet innocent little Sophia if I hadn't found her. That thought sends shivers throughout my body. I  shake the thought off.

I sat on a log close to the fire for a little while but, I felt a presence in front of me I lift my head up to see a woman with shoulder length brown hair and green eyes standing in front of me.

I give her a friendly smile which she gladly returns. She spoke "Hey I'm Maggie Greene." I smile at her and reply "Julie White"  She smiles again and says "you're welcome to shower and take some spare clothes if you like." I nod and thank her and she leads me towards the house and to the bathroom.

Well this is going to be fun. I thought.

~Daryl's Pov~

I was sitting outside my tent on a log near the fire. I pitched my tent a good distance away from camp. I needed to distance myself from them even though I wanted to be closer so I can be with Julie. I thought it was better for me to be more distant.

Many thoughts crossed my mind all of them of Julie. All I could think about recently is Julie and her Safety.

I don't know or understand why I cared about her so damn much but, I'd do almost about anything for her. I'm not going soft I need to distance myself from her. I need to stay away from her as much as possible even if it kills me..

I've never felt this way towards a woman before.....

What is this Feeling I have for her?


Yay another authors note! note the sarcasm..

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

It took awhile to think of something to write for this chapter. It takes awhile for me to write every chapter. I have to think of something, Write it down in my notebook, go over it to make sure that it's good enough for you guys to read, and type it up on Wattpad. I just hope that you guys enjoy reading this as much as enjoy writing it for you guys. I hope the time I spend didn't go to waste!

Thank each and everyone of you that Read my story!



The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now