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(Song: I don't wanna Die by: Hollywood Undead)

Julie's Pov.

My eyes shot open when I felt a shooting pain on my back. I was on my stomach and I felt someone touching me. You see I don't like being touched so this is an issue for me.

"Son of a bitch what the hell?" I said while trying to turn over on my back to see where I was. Last I remember is them dragging me outside and passing out from the heat.

Someone stopped me and a familiar voice said "Stop moving I need to clean your wounds" I felt relief wash over me hearing the sound of Hershel's voice.

I stopped moving knowing where I was. I was 'home' in the prison. "How are Maggie and Glenn?" I ask as I wince from the sting of the alcohol going into my cuts. "Maggie's fine a bit shaken up though. Glenn is a different story he got beaten pretty badly."

I sighed understanding "How'd you find me, us?" He sighed and dabbed my cuts "A woman named Michonne led us to the town and Daryl went off to find you and did while your friend Sam ended up finding Glenn and Maggie"

My smiled knowing the group was taking a liking to Sam and Jess. My thoughts drifted off to Daryl, Damn that redneck has saved me to many times already.

"I know what you're going to ask already Julie....Daryl is not at the prison right now but, we'll talk about that later" Hershel said. I nod and yawn (that kind of rhymed)

"What happened Julie I mean how'd you end up in Woodbury?" He ask carefully like not wanting to upset me. "Daryl told me about the Governor and I got a little upset that no one had told me so I went out hunting to clear my head and came across a man and then I got hit over the head from behind. I woke up in a steel room Merle came in I didn't tell him where the Prison was and he hit me around for a bit and I still refused.

Him and another guy drug me outside and took off my shirt and handcuffed me while bounding my legs together with rope. They put a bag over my head and left me there to either burn from the sun's heat or get eaten by a walker I guess. After that I passed out I was sure I was going to die" I explained to Hershel.

"Julie you went through a lot you need some rest, some time to heal. You're like a daughter to me and I don't want to see anything more happening to you. This is the second time I've had to patch you up counting the time on my farm you need to be more careful" Hershel said in a fatherly tone.

I chuckled Hershel reminded me so much of my father but my father never really had the time to spend time with me so I vaguely remember all the Father-Daughter time we spent together.

"Alright I'm done you can walk around but don't strain yourself." He said. "Okay thanks Hershel" "Anytime" I rolled over and off the bed. When I stood I walked out of the cell with Hershel.

The first person I saw was Sam because she rushed over when she saw me. She embraced my in a tight hug. I chuckled and hugged back ignoring the pain in my back. "It's good to see you too Sammy" She laughed and let go. Sam and Jess have become close friends of mine literally almost like the sisters I've never had.

"I was so worried about you you've been passed out for hours if you go into the kitchen Jess has been pacing for over an hour waiting for you to wake up!" I chuckled at the ecstatic girl in front of my and we made our way into the kitchen area and we saw Jess pacing and biting her nail.

"Jess?" I asked "not now I'm Pacing" She held her hand up without looking at me and continued pacing. I stood in front of her "don't I get a hug" I pouted she went wide eyed and smiled really wide and hugged me "JULIE!!!!!!"

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now