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A month had past since the world completely took a nose-dive. Everything had changed. If there was a god out there, he had a sick and twisted sense of humour. Then again, maybe we deserved this. All this time on this planet, we've had it good. We could kick back and treat the world like it would always be there, like nothing would ever change. The short story, we were completely wrong. 


(Chapter 1)

I close my eyes, hoping that when I open them again every thing will be back to normal. It's just a lost cause to hope now. To hope that the world hadn't completely caved in. To hope that I would wake up from this nightmare. To wake up in a world where the dead stayed dead and people didn't have to fear anything other than paying bills and taxes.

My eyes flutter open and I stare at the dull white ceiling of my RV. I heave out a sigh, knowing that was going to be another day of almost dying trying to survive. I was alone, I had no one left,  and I knew it was only a matter of time before I joined all of my loved ones.

After laying in bed for a few seconds longer, I get up. I gather my weapons before heading out of the RV. I look at my crossbow cradeled in my arms and sigh, the memories of my father giving the weapon to me for my 17th birthday filled my head. I've had it for nine years now. Now twenty-six years old, I couldn't have been more grateful for it. It's saved my life more than once.

A rustle in the bushes pulls me from my memories. Quickly the crossbow is up in the air, aiming in the direction of the noise. I could only hope that it wasn't a walker. It wasn't. A buck limps out from the bushes and a small smile slips across my lips. It was the first creature I've come across that didn't want to kill me.

Just as I thought that, I saw that it had a yellow and red arrow lodged in it's side. It wasn't a fatal wound, but it probably hurt like hell. I lowered the crossbow. I couldn't help but feel bad for the animal.

I slowly approached the buck, it watched me carefully but made no attempt to run. I got the arrow in my hand and snapped it, the buck whined in pain and I stroked his fur in an attempt to calm it down and thankfully it worked I shooed it off into the forest once again and it took off without a trace of it ever being here except for the faint tracks it left.

I walked the way the buck came from and when I got 30 minutes into the walk, I could swear that I heard voices. They got later the more I walked. It sounded like people arguing, I couldn't help but think that they were idiots for fighting. The worlds already fucked up as it is, it doesn't need a couple of morons fighting to add in to the mix.

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now