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Julie Pov~

We got out of our cars when we arrived at the prison and Rick stalked of into Cell Block C. "Wonder what his problem is" Daryl said walking up beside me. "Probably just stressed about the whole situation wouldn't you be?" I replied "yeah I guess I would be"

We walked side by side into the cell block Rick went into. "Rick?" I asked walking up to him "what?" He asked "what happened in the warehouse with the governor?" He sighed whispered to me and Daryl "He wants Michonne and if I don't give her to him...." He trailed off "we go to war" I finished for him.

He nodded solemnly "Well you can't give her to him Rick! She's part of our group now!" I said raising my voice "I know I know but, I need to keep my family alive I need to keep this group alive." He sighed and walked out without another word.

I walked out of the Cell block and saw Michonne looking at the bus I walked up to her and asked "what are you doing?"  she looked over at me "I was thinking we could start preparing for the governor you know?" I nodded.

We walked and talked for a little while and I got to know her. "So we should start make preparations" I nodded in agreement. "We need guns" I stated "yeah a lot of guns" she added on.

We walked towards Rick "who moved the bus?" I smiled "we did it was Michonne's Idea" He nodded slowly "so we were thinking when the governor comes we won't be all that prepared we need guns Rick" I told him.

"I know that's why I was thinking I would take Carl down to our old neighborhood and go down to the station to get the rest of the guns" He stated I nodded and so did Michonne "I was thinking we could take Michonne to" he added.

I gave him a look and he shook his head. "sure Rick" Michonne answered walking away. After a little while they got set and got into the car driving off to wherever his old neighborhood was.

I saw Glenn and Maggie setting up spikes for when the Governors cars come through. I walked up to a guard tower with a couple snipers and place one up there. I did this with the other tower. I grabbed some wooden boards and called Daryl over when I saw him walking.\

He walked over and asked "what?" "can you help me set these up" he nodded and we walked over to the areas that need boarding up and set up the metal plates behind the wooden squares.

After we finished I thanked him and pecked him on the lips and walked off.

I walked into my cell and layed down tired from all the work. It was getting later and the sun was starting to set. I heard a car pulling up and the gates open.

I got up when I heard the noise and saw Rick was back. I walked over when he opened the trunk. He Passed me a bag full of guns my eyes widened at the amount of guns that where in the car.

"okay then" I said walking into the cell block placing the bag of guns on the table. I sighed and walked into my cell again taking of my shirt and digging through my bag for another one. I pulled out my white shirt and a pair of shorts and slipped into them.

I layed down and slowly drifted off to sleep

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now