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Julie Pov-

"Julie can I talk to you?" Rick asked walking up to me "huh? Yeah sure what about?" I asked "The Governor" He said I froze anger starting to boil in my veins.

"What about him?" I asked coldly "Andrea set up a meeting with him to negotiate our situation" "What? Since when is Andrea back" I asked confused as to why I haven't seen her "She's not she's with the Governor"

"She's with that asshole!?" I was so mad she was with him after he tried to kill some of our group to many times to count. "I know but, the whole reason I am telling you this is because I was hoping you would come with me." I sighed

"Who else is coming?" "Me, You, Daryl, and Hershel" He said I nodded and he walked off. I went to my cell and got my crossbow and slung it on my shoulder. I got all my knives and strapped them into my belt, and I got my two pistols and strapped them onto my outer thighs.

I walked back out and into the courtyard. I saw Daryl packing the cars. I walked up to him and started to help him. "I got it" He said to me when I started helping him. "Yeah well it'll go faster you let me help"

"where do you think you're going? Why are you all decked out in weapons?" He asked 'oh Rick didn't tell him' "I am going to the meeting with Governor Rick asked me to come" I said shrugging He looked at me with an eyebrow raised as if to say 'really? are you that stupid?'

"Why would he ask you to come after what the did to you better yet why would you want to come?!" he asked raising his voice a little bit "Because Daryl I am not a little kid, when trouble comes I am not just going to curl up into a corner and wait until all my problems go away" I said calmly.

"whatever" he mumbled I put the last bag into the car and Just then Rick walked up and I nodded to him. Hershel came up not to far behind hobbling with his crutches.

I helped him into the car and walked up to my bike and revved it and took off following them.

(That's the best I can do right now sry) 


The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now