Bonus Chapter~

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Bonus Chapter~ Andreas' Death..'

After the whole Woodybury invasion, when Rick and the rest of the prison group went to go finish the Governor, they came across dead bodies on the road to Woodbury. Walkers eating the flesh off of their bones.

Michonne and Daryl killed them silently with his cross bow and her sword. They look around but heard a hard slap noise against the glass of one of the trucks that had been at the prison meirly 20 minutes ago. Daryl instincivley raises his crossbow as Rick raises his Python.

They both pointed it at the glass seeing one of the females, Karen, from Woodbury. Daryl opened the door and Karen got out with her hands up. "He Killed them... He killed them all" Shee stuttered out.

"Who did? Who did this?" Rick asked pressing the gun to her temple.

She explained and soon after they all set off to Woodbury. Once they got close enough they continued on foot and hid behind a tipped car as a guard shot them. Karen stood and reasoned with the guard who happened to be Tyreese one of the surviors Rick kicked out of the prison when he was having Hallucinations of Lori, which he still was but thankfully not at this moment.

"Karen? What are doing with them?" Tyreese yelled to the brunette female who stood with her hands up.

She explained that the Governor had slaughtered all of their people because they had rufused to fight with him.

The Prison people eventually got inside and rushed into Woodbury. They cleared it out and got peopl into buses thinking that they all deserved second chances. They went into the basement where Julie, Glenn, and Maggie had been held to see if anyone was down there.

Upon entering they entered an open door, a torture chamber it looked like. There they found Andrea leanining against the wall bloody with a very dead walker recarnation of Milton, the Governors right hand mand.

Michonnne leaned down and was going to get Andrea out of there when Andrea pulled back the collar of her shirt showing a large bite mark. She was bitten, infected, just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode, A risk.

And she needed to be shot in the head.

As Daryl once said 'Zero tolerance for walkers, or them to be.'

Andrea knew what she needed to do. But Michonne refused to believe that  she was infected.

Everyone left the room and left them with a pistol.

Michonne sat next  to Andrea and thy both cried as Andrea apoligized for everything she had done saying that all she wanted to do was help..

Now there was nothing that could help her.

A shot rang out through the room and could be heard in the hallway where the rest of the group was waiting. Michonne came out slightly bloddy wiping her eyes of tears as she wlk past the rest of th group.

They walked after her.

Leaving the place where their past group member, their friend, had just passed away... never looking back.

~I never liked Andrea as a character in TWD, in the first couple episodes of the first season I thought 'oh she pretty cool I guess' and then it all went downhill at the C.D.C... She blamed Dale for shit, what really made me hate her is when she didn't listen to Rick and shot Daryl, also when she slept with Shane....and you can't forget when sided with the Governor... anyways I still thought I should give her a R.I.P chapter I guess...yeah bye~

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