chapter one

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As I lay on the cold tiles of the kitchen floor, my body won't stop shaking. Usually when my stepfather hits me he's under the influence of alcohol, which to some degree makes it easier for me to understand why he does it. He's not himself when he's drunk so he can't really control his actions.

But this time my stepfather was completely sober.

I was in the middle of cooking dinner for the three of us, my mom, stepfather and myself. I felt him grab the collar of my shirt and pull backwards. He pushed me up against the kitchen cabinets and starting beating me. I don't know what got him so angry.

There have only been three occasions where he beat me up. He's hit me multiple times, more than I can count, but the beatings were rare.

Every time my stepfather hit me instead of beating me up, I held on to the hope that maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought. No, he never apologised for it, but I still forgave him because people deserve second chances, right? We're all just as bad as one another on the inside.

This time however, changed my opinion of him completely. As soon as he put his hand around my neck and started taking off my pants, I lost all hope that he could change.
Most of what just happened is a blur. I don't think I'll ever truly process it.
I just remember screaming at him to stop. But he didn't.

When he finally did, I fell to the ground and sobbed. But then he started kicking me. I tried to get up so I could go to my bedroom and lock the door behind me, but my legs were too weak to even hold myself up.

Eventually he stopped and warned me not to tell anyone. Not that that would be a problem. I have nobody to tell anyway. The only person I would've told would be my mom, but she's currently sitting in the living room with the tv on, clearly aware of what just happened but she didn't do anything.

About an hour later I managed to slowly drag myself off of the floor and limp my way to be bedroom before locking the door behind me.

I got into the shower the warm water fell onto my body. Even the light water pressure hurt my back. The red raw hand marks and the bruises from where I had been punched stung under the water.

Getting out of the shower I got into an oversized hoodie and a pair of sweatpants before climbing into bed.

Like every other night, I cried myself to sleep.


The next morning I winced in pain as I tried to get out of bed.

The first thing I did was go over to my school bag and open up the front pocket. I kept any pain medication I had on me in there because my mom would never buy any. She's one of the people whose against vaccines and medication. She doesn't believe in them.

But...if I wanted to be able to get to school I needed them. So I went out and bought them for myself and kept them hidden.

I got dressed and brushed my teeth before quietly making my way out of the house. My stepfather doesn't work so he's always home, unfortunately. But he is always asleep until at least midday, so it makes it easier for me in the mornings.

On my walk to school I went into a coffee shop and ordered myself a vanilla latte. I'm not the biggest fan of coffee, but sometimes I'll have it just for the energy.

Getting to school, I put my bag in my locker and grab out what I need for my first period which I Maths. In my opinion having Maths at seven-thirty in the morning should be illegal. Actually having school in general at seven-thirty in the morning should be illegal.

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