chapter twenty

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ten days earlier

I had the day off teaching today which gave me time to get done what I needed to. We were running low on groceries, Otis needed food and the house was a mess so it needed a good clean.

After dropping Y/N at school this morning I decided that I was going to get the grocery shop done first, but on the way I decided to get a coffee considering there was none left in the house.

I ordered a Flat White and sat down by the window as I drank it. As I was looking out at the rush of New York I noticed a familiar face walk past the window and walk into the coffee shop. I didn't even realise that I was still looking at her until she turned her head and smiled.

The worker handed her, her cup of coffee and Maria came to sit with me.

"Natasha, it's good to see you." She smiled. "It's good to see you too." I say. "How have you been?" She asks. "I've been good, thank you. How about you?"

"I'm great. Work has been keeping me very busy but I finally managed to get the day off." She chuckles. "How is Y/N?"

"Y/N is good. She actually turned fifteen a few days ago." I say. "Well tell her I said 'Happy Birthday'." Maria smiled. "I will." I smile.

Maria and I ended up talking for at least a couple of hours. The both of us ended up ordering another cup of coffee and something to eat too. She was an extremely easy person to talk too and I was really enjoying her company... that was until she got called in for work.

"Natasha, I'm so sorry but I just got called in. Apparently people don't care that I'm on a coffee date." She rolls her eyes. The word 'date' fell into her sentence so casually that I don't think she was even aware that she said it. It probably didn't mean anything...

She got off her seat and went to say goodbye and leave, but before she could I stopped her, "Maria?" She turned her head to look back at me. "Can I see you again?" I ask. She smiles widely and answers, "I'd like that."

She walks back over to me, pulls a pen out of her bag and grabs a clean napkin off the table before writing down her number. "Are you doing anything Friday night?" Maria asks. "No I'm not."

"Great, I'm taking you out. Message me and I'll send you the details."

I nod and smile before saying, "I'll see you Friday then."

"See you then. Bye Natasha."

present day

Our date last Friday went well. Sometimes it takes me a while to warm up to people, but Maria and I seemed to get on extremely well.

We went out again on Sunday for lunch, and then again last night. I've very quickly realised that I have feelings for Maria, stronger than I've had for anyone else before. I was scared that she didn't feel the same way... until last night.

The both of us were going to go back to her place but she couldn't find her key to the apartment and it was three am so she couldn't call her tenant for a spare key, so we decided to come back to my house. I was hoping MJ and Y/N were still asleep and thankfully they were and usually would be until at least ten o'clock in the morning, that way Maria could leave before they woke up. However the one time she decided to wake up at a decent time was when Maria was over.


Maria pulled away from the kiss and smiled before it quickly dropped. I was confused at first until she cleared her throat and nodded her head towards the kitchen entry. I turned my head and my eyes widened. I froze, not really knowing what to say. I mean my daughter did just walk in on me kissing another woman, who also happened to be one of the police officers on her case.

"I-I'm just, I'm just gonna go." Y/N stutters before going back to her bedroom. As soon as she's out sight Maria says, "I'm so sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry, it's not your fault. But I am going to go talk to her." I say. "Of course, would you mind if I took a shower? I've got to go into work soon." She asks. "Not at all." I smile before pecking her lips and going to go talk to Y/N.

As I get closer to her room I can hear her and MJ laughing so hopefully she isn't mad. I knock on her door and ask, "Y/N honey, can i come in?"


I open the door and ask, "MJ, would you mind giving us a minute?"

"Not at all, as long as I don't have to talk to a stranger?"

Both Y/N and I let out a small chuckle. "Don't worry, she's in the shower."

MJ gets up and leaves the room and I go and sit on the bed next to Y/N. "I'm sorry you had to find out like that." I sigh. Y/N shrugs, "I don't mind. I'm just happy that I was right, I knew you were going on a date." She chuckles. "Are you okay with it?"

"With what? The fact that you're dating Maria, or the fact that I saw you making out whilst she was wearing your shirt?" She laughs. "Oh god Y/N, I'm so sorry." I say, dropping my head into my hands.

Y/N pats my back roughly, "Yeah, I'd be embarrassed too, if that was me."

I look up and glare at her. "Shut up." I say and she laughs which makes me shake my head and smile. I pull her in for a hug, planting a kiss on her forehead. "I love you, honey."

"I love you too mama."

A few moments later there is a knock at the door, "Y/N, can I come back in? I just heard the shower water turn off and I don't want to be stuck at here alone with a stranger." MJ says. "You can come back in sweetheart." I chuckle.

MJ opens to door as I get off the bed, and walks over to Y/N giving her a kiss. "Ew, not in-front of me." I complain. "It's just pay back." Y/N says. I roll my eyes playfully. "I'm making waffles for breakfast if you girls want some?"

A/N: hey! not sure how i feel about this chapter so i apologise if the writing is terrible. i was going to write a more in-depth chapter about maria and natasha but my brain couldn't think if anything lol, so sorry for the vagueness of it...

anyways, i hope you all have a great day/night x

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