chapter twenty-three

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Y/N had her hands covering her face as she sobbed quietly. After seeing the amount of blood gushing down her arm and on the floor, I immediately felt like I'd failed Y/N as a mother.

She hadn't seen or heard me come in yet so I carefully approached her, trying not to startle her in the process. I didn't want to make the situation worse.

"Sweetheart," I say gently, pulling her hands off her face. She looked at me in fear. "Can you give me that?" I ask, motioning my head the the razor that is still in her hand. "You don't need it anymore."

I gently reach for the razor and she lets me take it from her. After throwing it in the trash I say, "Mama's here now. You're going to be okay."

"I'm s-sorry. I didn't m-mean to. It just happened and I-I'm really sorry." She sobs into her arms. "Hey honey, look at me." Y/N lifts her head up again and I cup her cheeks. "You don't need to be sorry, Y/N." I assure her.
"Are you mad?" She asks. "I could never be mad at you for something like this." I say, wiping the tears from under her eyes with my thumb.

"I'm going to help you get cleaned up so the cuts don't get infected. Can I lift you up?" I ask and she nods hesitantly.
I carefully lift her up and place her onto the counter.
I bend down to the cabinet below the sink and pull out anything to help clean her cuts.

"It might sting a little." I tell her gently as I press the sterile pad onto her wounds. She winches immediately. "Sorry." I mumble.

Once the wounds have stopped bleeding and I've wrapped them in bandages, I washed my hands before wiping the rest of her tears away. "I'm sorry mama." She mumbles under her breath, just loud enough for me to hear. "Honey, please stop saying sorry." I say.

"If you ever feel like doing this again, please come to me. Okay?" I ask, holding her hands tightly "You deserve better than this, honey."  She nods slightly. "Okay."

I lifted her off the counter and placed her back onto the floor. "What about the mess?" Y/N asks, pointing to the blood and tissues on the floor. "Don't worry about it, I'll clean it up later. Let's just get you to bed for now." I smile softly.

Y/N gets into her pyjamas before getting under the covers and I sit on her bed next to her. "Do you want to take some time off school Y/N? Just until you're feeling better." I ask, running my fingers through her hair. "But I'm not sick." She shrugs. "Maybe not physically, but I can see that you've been struggling lately and I don't think taking some time off will hurt." I tell her. She nods and mumbles, "Yes please."
"Alright, baby." I kiss her forehead.

It doesn't take her long to fall asleep and start snoring lightly.

I got up slowly, remembering that I had to clean up her bathroom. Otherwise I might have fallen asleep too. I made sure to throw out all the bloody tissues and razor before deciding that I should probably take out all the razors just in case. I also went into my bathroom and hid all my razors, blades and pocket knifes in case she came in here and tried to do something whilst I wasn't home.

I emailed the school to inform them Y/N would be taking some time off, and then I was going to need to look after her so they needed to find a relief teacher for me, then I checked in on Y/N to make sure she was okay before showering and going to bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night after having a nightmare and realised that I was bleeding through my bandage.

I leant over and checked the time on my phone and it was 3am. I didn't want to have to wake up mom, but I didn't know what to do. So I made my way out of bed and into her bedroom. Surprisingly she was awake too.

The only light in her room was coming from the salt lamp on her nightstand and she was sitting up with a book in her hands. "Are you okay my beautiful girl?" She asks quietly. "My cuts started bleeding again." I say defeatedly.

Mom puts down her book and makes her way over to me. She smiles gently and takes my hand, taking me into her bathroom.
I went to lift myself onto the counter but my arms were too sore so mom lifted me up.

She made sure to stop the bleeding and clean up the dried blood before wrapping my wounds up again with a fresh bandage. "There we go." She smiles, placing a kiss on my head. "Thank you mama."

I jumped down from the counter and asked, "Can I stay with you tonight? I had a nightmare about my step father again."
"Of course you can." She assured me, wrapping her arm around my back, pulling me into a hug.

I climbed into bed next to mom and she switched off the light. "Goodnight sweetheart. I love you." She says. "I love you so much."

a/n: heyy!
I hope you're all doing well <3

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