chapter four

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I woke up the next morning to see Y/N still asleep beside me. Not wanting to wake her yet, I decided that I was going to make us some breakfast. I wasn't exactly sure what she'd like so I chose to make pancakes. Who doesn't like pancakes?

As I was cooking I saw Y/N walk into the kitchen as she was yawning. "Good morning sweetheart," I smiled widely as I stopped what I was doing to walk over to her and give her a hug. "Good morning." She smiled as she cuddled into me. "Did you sleep okay in the end?" I ask softly. "Yeah." She mumbled. "I hope I didn't take up too much space."
"Not at all," I smiled.

"I hope you like pancakes?" I question. "Who doesn't like pancakes," She laughs.

We sat down together and ate breakfast, I also had a coffee. I asked Y/N if she wanted any but she said no.

After breakfast Y/N helped me clean up and then we both got ready for the day. I let her borrow some clothes to wear today considering she didn't have any clean ones with her. She was a bit smaller than me but not so much so the clothes were extremely oversized.

I knocked on the door to see if Y/N was ready. "Y/N are you dressed?" I asked. "Yeah, you can come in," She says. I walk in to see that she had made the bed. "You didn't have to do that," I smile as I gesture me head to the bed. Y/N just shrugged her shoulders.

"Do you know how to braid?" She asked. "Yeah I do, do you want me to braid your hair?" I question. "Yes please," She smiled. "Okay," I smile widely back at her.

We go into my bathroom and I start to Dutch braid her hair. "I always asked my mom to teach me to braid but she never wanted to," Y/N admitted out of the blue. I smile sadly. "I can teach you if you want? I mean not right now because I've already started, but maybe tomorrow?" I ask her. "I'd like that," She smiles.

I finished braiding her hair and knew that I needed to tell her something that I was dreading. "Y/N," I start. "Yeah?"
"I know it sounds really scary but we need to go to the police before your parents report you as a missing person. We already have proof of what they've done and I highly doubt that the police will send you home," I admit. Sheet out a shaky breath and nodded as tears formed in her eyes so I immediately pulled her into a hug. "I know sweetheart, I know it's scary. But I am going to be with you every step of the way and I'm going to do everything I can do get you to stay with me," I cooed as she cried into my shoulder.


It's later in the day now and Y/N and I have just arrived outside of the local police station. "You ready?" I ask and she took a deep breath. "I'm ready," She says.

Y/N grabs my hand before walking into the station. I talk to the person at the front desk and briefly explain the situation. Y/N held tightly onto my hand the entire time. "An officer will be with you very soon. Take a seat in the meantime," The receptionist tells us. "Thank you."

After a while of waiting, an officer finally came out.
"Hi, I'm officer Garret. Would you mind coming with me?" A police officer asks Y/N gently. She nods and gets off the seat. "Is it okay it Natasha comes with me," She asks him as she gesture towards me. "As long as you're comfortable with that," He confirms and Y/N nods. "Okay then Miss-" he held out his hand for me to shake. "Romanoff," I say. "Okay, Miss Romanoff can come," He continues.

We make our way into a room and he starts asking Y/N questions.

It's been about 20 minutes in and Y/N had been so brave so far. "Y/N, could I please have a look at your bruises?" Officer Garrett asked. She immediately tensed up and shook her head. He looked at me and then back at Y/N. "I'm not going to hurt you," He assured her. She just shook her head again.

He thought about what to do before asking her, "Would you feel more comfortable if I got a female officer to come in and looked at them instead?"
She thought about it for a moment before hesitantly nodding. "Okay, I'll send someone in," He smiles.

About five minutes later a female officer walked in. "Hi Y/N, I'm officer Hill. Would you mind if I took a look at your brushing?" She asked softly.
"Okay," Y/N mumbled.

Y/N lifted up her hoodie as officer Hill examined her bruises.

"Okay, I have one more questioned that I need to ask." Hill says. "Were you ever sexually assaulted by your step father?" She questioned. Y/N grabbed my hand again before turning to face me with tears in her eyes. She turned back to Hill before mumbling, "Yes."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes in attempt of holding back my own tears.

A/N: hey!! here's part 4 :)

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