chapter twenty-one

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The rest of the weekend consisted of eating, sleeping, watching movies and that's about it and I couldn't complain. It was exactly how I like to spend my weekends. However, last night I felt really anxious about going to school today. Not because I was struggling academically, but because of Ryle.

I haven't told my mom or MJ about him, mainly because I don't want them to think I'm overreacting, but something about him reminds me of my step-father and I'm so scared he's going to hurt me. And if he did, I don't think I would cope anymore.

I can't exactly pinpoint what it is, but I think it's in the way he carries himself. Also the fact that because he's popular, nobody expects him to be the time of person to physically hurt someone else. My step-father used to be like that. He owned a very successful business and everyone praised him for what he did, so when I went to one of his colleagues and told her what he was doing to me, she dismissed me completely. Her name was Tara and we actually used to get along quite well, until she said that I was imagining things because my step-father was a great man and she couldn't imagine him doing something like that. I was thirteen. I learnt to never ask anyone for help after that.


On the way to school I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. I hate myself for letting Ryle have this kind of effect on me even if he hasn't done anything to hurt me, well not physically anyway. Emotionally, that's a different story.

I didn't realise I was bouncing my knee until I felt my mom place her hand on it. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" She asked gently. "Yeah, I'm okay." I smile.

Once we got to school, my breathing picked up but I tried to hide it. "Y/N, if you can't do it today, I understand. Do we need to go back home?" Mom asked. Clearly I didn't hide it well. "I'm fine." I say, un-doing my seatbelt and stepping out of the car. I didn't look at my mom as I answered her because I know that if I did, I would have started crying and I'm too tired to cry today.

I walked off into the school, not even saying a word to mom.

I noticed Y/N seemed a bit on edge this morning right from the moment she got up and then in the car I saw her knee bouncing up and down and she was fiddling with her fingers the whole drive to school. I asked her if she was okay and she told me she was fine, but I wasn't convinced.

She walked out of the car into and into the school without even saying a word to me which was definitely not like her.

As I went to my classroom to set up before the bell went I saw Y/N walk past with MJ, but she didn't seem to be pay attention to anything MJ was saying. She was completely zoned out.

At eight-thirty the bell rang and students started piling in to the classroom. I didn't have Y/N today so I wasn't going to be able to see her until the day was over which made me even more worried. Something was definitely off with her.

Not even two minutes into the class I heard a crash in the hallway. It sounded like someone was being pushed against a locker. "Keep working, I'll be back in a moment." I said to my class, who had all clearly heard the crash as everyones heads lifted from their desks.

I can hear someone whisper-yelling and as I turn my head down the hallway I see my daughter pushed up against the lockers with Ryle's hand around her neck. My heart literally felt like it was in my throat as I can see the total fear Y/N has in her eyes. A few other teachers must have heard what was going on because they were also out in the hallway.

Ryle hadn't noticed anyone yet as we all got closer to them. I saw his hand squeeze tighter around Y/N's neck - she tried to pull him off of her - as he hit her across her face. Both me and the other teachers started running towards them as it looked like he was about to punch her in the stomach.

I pulled Ryle away with the help of another teacher as Y/N collapsed to the floor, trying to catch her breath. A couple of them pulled Ryle into the office as I crouched down in-front of Y/N. She looked numb.

Her eyes were focused on the ground in-front of her. "Y/N, I'm so sorry baby." I cooed, gently placing my hand on her cheek. She flinched heavily at my touch, harder than I've ever seen her flinch. I quickly removed my hand and her eyes remained completely focused on the ground. "Can you hear me Sweetheart?" I ask. She wasn't responding. I think she's gone into a state of shock. "I'll go get your things from your classroom, I'll call in a relief teacher for today. You take Y/N home." Miss Reid said, clearly understanding the situation. "Thank you." I said.

"Y/N I'm going to take you home. Can you stand up for me?" I ask hopefully. No response. "Okay, I'm going to carry you, honey." I say.

Gently, I lift Y/N up from the ground. Her body was quite limp, I wasn't sure if she was even aware of her surroundings anymore. Miss Reid carried my things out to my car for me as I carried Y/N in my arms.

I unlocked the car and as I went to put Y/N in the passenger seat she mumbled, "I'm scared. Please don't hurt me. I didn't do anything. Please stop. Please. Stop. I promise I didn't take it. Please don't hurt me." It was very obvious she was having a PTSD flashback.

a/n: my father is giving me so much anxiety that I'm gonna have to spend hundreds of dollars on therapy that I don't have to spend. ok bye

not proofread.

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