chapter twelve

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Y/N's stepfather is found guilty of child abuse and molestation.

I knew the chance of him getting away with it were so slim so I had no doubt that he would be put in jail. As he should.

Now comes the part I'm dreading the most.

Finding out whether or not I get to keep Y/N.


Y/N hasn't left my side since we walked into that court room.

We are currently standing outside of the court house getting fresh air as I drink yet another cup of coffee and Y/N has a hot chocolate.

As we are talking Official Hill and Miss Danvers make their way over to us.

"Hi, congratulations Y/N." Danvers says. Y/N smiles in return. "Have you heard from the adoption agency?" She then asks me. "No."

Danvers nods and sighs deeply. Her and Hill look at each other and then back at me.

"Given that you haven't heard anything, Y/N will unfortunately have to be put in a foster home for the time being." Hill declares.

I take a deep breath and bite the inside of my cheek. As I turn to look at Y/N I see the tears in her eyes and her mouth fallen into a frown.

"And there's nothing else I can do?" I ask hopefully. "No, I'm afraid not Miss Romanoff." Hill replies.

"Please let me stay with her." I hear Y/N plead. "I'm sorry Y/N. Legally there's nothing more we can do until Natasha hears from the adoption agency." Hill tells her.

Y/N collapses her whole body weight into my as she sobs into my shoulder. "It'll be okay sweetheart." I try to assure as I hold back my own tears. I don't want to cry though, not in front of Y/N.

"I'll be coming to pick Y/N up at 6:00pm tonight and taking her to the foster home." Hill says.

"We'll give you some time." Danvers then says as the both of them walk away.

"We still have a few more hours Y/N. How about we go home and watching an episode of Gilmore Girls before we pack up your things?" I ask softly. "Okay." She quietly mumbles.


As soon as we get home I get some popcorn and Y/N cuddles up next to me as we watch Tv.

"I'm going to miss you a lot." She says sadly. "I'm going to miss you so much Y/N." I sigh and place her kiss on her forehead.

"I'll still get to see you at school everyday. We can have our lunch breaks together and if you want to come in earlier, you can sit in my classroom with me before school starts." I tell her. "Yeah, that sounds nice." She looks up at me a smiles softly.

The episode eventually finishes and Y/N and I go to get started on packing up. "I don't have anything to put my clothes in." Y/N states. "Oh right. Hold on I'll grab you one of my suitcases." I say.

I come back with a suitcase and we start piling her clothes in.

An hour later we hear a knock on the door. Y/N and I both know who it is. She frowns sadly and pulls me into a hug before I to open the door.

I open the door to see Hill. "Uh, Y/N's just packing up the last of her things but you're welcome to come in for a minute." I offer. "Thank you."

A few minutes pass and Y/N comes out with her suitcase. She looks so defeated.

"You ready?" Officer Hill asks to which Y/N hesitantly nods. "Okay, let's go"

We get to the door and Y/N pulls me into another very tight hug. "I love you so much Y/N." I coo. "I love you lots." She says in return.

I notice that her shoe lace is undone as we pull away from the hug so I bend down to tie it up.

"I'll see you tomorrow my beautiful girl." I say and I stand back up and kiss her forehead. Everything in me is fighting back the tears. I don't want to make it harder than it already is for Y/N.

"See you tomorrow." She smiles sadly.

Her and Officer Hill walk out and I shut the door behind them.

As soon as the door is locked a slide my back down it, putting my head in my hands as I sob. I so badly wish that there was something that I could do but I know I can't.

My house feels empty without Y/N.

As soon as Natasha shut the door and I left with Officer Hill, I could hear crying from the other side of her door.

Hill looked at me sympathetically as she heard her cry too.

As I got to the car I started crying before I was informed about everything I needed to know.

Thankfully Officer Hill was really understanding and tried to comfort me.

Apparently there were 4 other kids in this foster home. 3 boys and 1 girl. Well, now there were 2.

I tried to take notice of where we were going so I'd be able to figure my way out to school tomorrow but it was already dark outside so I didn't have much luck.

We arrive at the foster home and Hill walks me to the door.

A lady who looks like she's in her 50's and what I presume is her husband answer.

I got to know them as Mr and Mrs Archer. They seemed nice enough, but Mr Archer did have a bit of a creepy vibe about him that I was not enjoying.

A/N: hello again.
A double update today because I need a distraction from life lol.

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