chapter fifteen

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The next morning was like any other. I got up and ready for work, picked up a coffee for myself and a hot chocolate for Y/N before heading to the school.

Whilst Y/N and I were talking I got a call from the adoption agency. Y/N was too distracted finishing up her homework to notice who I was on the phone with.

"So..." I started. This got Y/N's attention as so looked up from her laptop. "That was the adoption agency and you get to come home tonight!" I exclaim. "Really?" She gasped and I nodded.

Y/N got off of her seat and I engulfed her in a hug. "I'm officially a Romanoff!" She smiles widely as she looks up at me. "That you are." I smile back.

With the last ten minutes left before the bell rang,
Y/N and I discussed what we were going to do to celebrate. The only thing she asked for was to watch Mean Girls and have spaghetti bolognese for dinner. Of course I couldn't complain.

The day went on. It felt like it went forever. It was like the day before we had - or should I say filmed - Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving in the Red Room. It was the only thing I ever looked forward too.

It came to my last class of the day and I haven't seen Y/N since this morning. We would usually sit and have lunch together but apparently the school principal is trying to encourage Y/N to socialise more and get her to talk to people her age. And don't go me wrong, I know where they're coming from but I did miss having my lunch with her. Instead, I had the choice of sitting alone or sitting with a few of the other teachers. I chose to sit alone and work on what I was going to teach next week, that way I'd have more time with Y/N this weekend.

The school day finally came to an end as the final bell rang. As I packed up my stuff and my students made their way out of the classroom, Y/N came in. "Hi honey, how was your day?" I ask as I shove my laptop into my bag. "It was good." She smiles. "I missed you a lot at lunch though."

"I missed you too, it was boring without you." I chuckled lightly. "Did you find anyone to sit and talk with?" I ask curiously. "Yeah actually. This girl named MJ, she's like me, a bit of a loner. Therefore we got along quite well. We both just sat there reading most of the time. But she's cool and we might hang out after school sometime." Y/N rambled.

I smiled at Y/N as she continued to ramble on about MJ and then a teacher that pissed her off, and then she started protesting about the fact that school shouldn't start so early and so on.

She continued her rant until eventually we reached my car. "So I was thinking, I'll drop you off at the foster home so you can get all your things and say goodbye if you wanted to, and then I'll come back in a few hours and pick you up. Does that sounds okay?"

"Sounds good to me." She smiles. "I'm so excited."


After dropping Y/N at the foster house I stopped at Target. Since there's two of us now, I knew that I needed more food in the house, especially considering that Y/N is a teenager and I've seen that girl eat. And I mean, she can eat.

Considering I never really had anyone stay over, there was nothing in the second bathroom so I picked up the necessities for her too.

I went home and put everything away before quickly showering and making my way back out to pick up Y/N.


After knocking on the door Y/N answered and smiled when she saw me. "Well hello little Romanoff." I say. "Hey, I'm not that much shorter than you." She pouts as she defends herself.

I laugh slightly before she lets me in. "Where is everyone?" I ask confused. "Oh well the boys have all their after school activities and Mr and Mrs Archer are either still at work or are out for the night. I don't know, they never tell me anything." Y/N shrugs. "But I did say goodbye to them earlier."

Sounds like they're great foster parents...really responsible.

I dragged Y/N's suitcase into the bag of the car and we made our way home.

"Welcome home!" I enthuse as we walk through the door. Y/N ran over and flopped on the couch letting out a sigh - a very dramatic one at that. "It feels so good to be back." She states with a huge smile on her face.

About an hour later, after helping Y/N unpack, I started on dinner and she went to shower.

Y/N walked into the living room - in her very oversized pyjamas - just as I was putting dinner on the coffee table and setting up the movie.

She sat down next to me as I pressed play on Mean Girls and we ate our dinner.

The both of us almost fell asleep watching the movie but somehow, as soon as it ended we had too much energy. I think it was more the fact that we had both reached the over-tired stage where we completely lose it.

Taylor Swift was coming through the speakers as
Y/N sang every slow song like she had been through the worst heartbreak and it was so funny to watch. I couldn't wait to make more memories with her.

A/N: hello!
So. I can't decide on what Y/N's sexuality should be so if you have a preference please let me know because I'm open to anything ahah...

Hope you all have a lovely day/night <3

also, this hasn't been proofread so we are just going to ignore the mistakes

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