chapter six

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I didn't sleep much. My mind was on Y/N most of the night. I want so badly to adopt her but for starters, she might not want me to, and then if she does, it might not even get approved.

I don't know what I would do if I didn't get to adopt her. Everything in my wants to keep her safe. Even though it's only been a couple of days that Y/N has been living with me, it feels like forever.

Finally, at around 5:00am I fell asleep. The exhaustion took over and I didn't wake up until 10:00am.

Y/N was still asleep when I woke up. She must be exhausted. Yesterday was extremely difficult on her. There was a lot to confront in just one day.

I made my way out of bed to make myself some coffee before getting ready for the day. I do have some paperwork that I need get done but I want to prioritise Y/N first. The paperwork can wait.

By the time I finish getting ready it's already 11:30. Y/N is still sound asleep so I took this opportunity to start on my work.

It's 12:30 when Y/N makes her way into the living room. "Hello my beautiful girl." I smile, getting off the couch to give her a kiss on the forehead. "Morning." She says in a tired voice. "How did you sleep?" I ask. "Really good actually." She admits.

"What's the time?" Y/N asks. "It's 12:30. Do you want to maybe go for lunch?" I answer. "I'd love to, but I don't have any money." Y/N says looking down. "Don't be silly Y/N, I'll pay." I chuckle slightly. "Thank you." She mumbled.


"You ready?" I ask Y/N and she nods. "Also if you're up for it we can go to the mall to get you some clothes?" I shrug. "Are you sure, you don't have to do that." Y/N assures me. "It would be my pleasure." I smile.

We arrive at lunch and Y/N decided that she felt like a burger so we went to my local restaurant which was just down the street from me.

"How are you feeling today?" I ask as our burgers arrive. "I'm okay." She shrugs. "If you want to talk about anything just let me know, I'm always going to be here." I assure her. She slightly smiles. "Thank you."

Once we finish our burgers we head to the mall. Y/N held onto my hand and I could see she was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of people.

Time goes on and we've each got a couple of bags in our arms. We go to walk into H&M when Y/N suddenly freezes. "I can't go in there." She says and I could see the fear fill her eyes. "Why not? Is everything okay?" I ask concerned. "It's him." She said as she pointed in the direction of what I could only assume was her step father. "Oh shit, okay. Let's go." I panic. Y/N doesn't move, it's like she's frozen in place. "Y/N?" I say. I see that her stepfather has spotted her and began to walk towards us. "Y/N, come on baby, we need to go." I say picking her up. Her legs wrapped around my waist and she buries her head into the crook of my neck.

I can tell that she's crying because I can feel the tears on my shirt. She doesn't say anything but I can feel her breathing start to pick up.

We get back to my car and I sit her in the passenger seat. Y/N's step father is long gone now. I walk over to the drivers seat and notice that Y/N is having a panic attack. Her hands are shaking, her breathing is irregular, she looks sweaty and the tears are falling down her face. "Y/N look at me." I say gently. "Can you follow my breathing for me?" I cooed.

After a while Y/N began to calm down. I pull her into a hug whilst whispering sweet nothings in her ear. "You're safe Y/N. No one can hurt you anymore." I assure her.

"Natasha?" She ask shyly. "Yes sweetheart." I answer. "I love you." Y/N mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear. I smile widely. "I love you so much Y/N." I squeeze her tightly back into a hug.

I pull away from the hug and leave a kiss on her head. "I have a question and I want you to know that it's completely okay to say no and there is no obligation at all but, I was thinking of looking into adopting you if that is something you'd want?"

"Really?" She cries. "Yes really." I smile. "Oh my god, yes!" She enthuses and happy tears fall down her face. She jumps into my arms to hug me.

A/N: hey!
how are you all?

Sorry for later update it's been a very long day haha! But... I'm in isolation cause my mom has covid so hopefully over the next 7 days I'll be updating lots because I have nothing better to do 🤷🏻‍♀️

I hope you have a great day x

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