chapter three

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When Y/N and I got back to my place, I showed her around before she sat at the table to do her homework as I finished up some work I didn't get to finish at the school.

I noticed at one point Y/N kept looking up at me like she was going to say something, but she never did, so I decided to speak up.
"Are you okay sweetheart?" I questioned. "I uh. I-I'm just stuck on this question and I was wondering if you could help?" She asked shyly and I smiled. "Of course I can help." I answered and moved over to the seat beside her.

After I had helped Y/N with her homework, I noticed that sun was starting to set and I was getting hungry. "Is there anything in particular you'd like for dinner?" I ask, making my way into the kitchen. "I'll eat anything." She shrugged. "Okay, how does spaghetti bolognese sound?" I offer. "I love spaghetti bolognese." She grins.

Y/N followed me into the kitchen and sat on a kitchen stool as I started on dinner.

"Can I help at all?" She offered sweetly. "I mean only if you want too, don't feel obliged." I tell her. "I want too." She smiles.

I get the vegetables that we would need out of the fridge and Y/N worked on chopping them as I cooked the meat and pasta.

Once dinner was cooked, we sat down opposite each other at the table together as we ate. I asked her about what she enjoyed doing outside of school and she explained that she wasn't really allowed to do anything that required being out of the house but she said she likes to read and paint when she has the time.  I explained more about myself too in the hopes that she would feel more comfortable around me.

"You full?" I questioned, noticing she had finished eating. "Yes, thank you." She replied. "Well thank you for your help." I smirked and got up from the table to wash up the dishes, Y/N following behind me.

There's a few moments of silence as I ponder on whether or not I talk about what's happened to Y/N now, or if I wait until tomorrow.

"Y/N?" I decide to ask. "Mhm."
"Do you think that I would be able to have a look at your bruises?" I question softly and that same look of fear filled her eyes that she had earlier.
"I know it's scary but I want to make sure you're not seriously injured and...if we need to get the police involved, which we probably will, they will need evidence on your stepfather." I inform her as gently as I can. Y/N took a deep, shaky breath and nodded. "Okay."

She hesitantly took off her hoodie, leaving her in her sports bra. When she turned her around I saw that her back and neck were littered with yellow and purple bruises. My breath hitched as I bit the inside of my cheek, immediately tearing up at the sight before composing myself. How anyone could do this to their child is beyond me.

I cleared my throat. "Okay, can I just take a picture and then I'll put something on it to help heal them?" I ask and she nods.

"Are you in any pain?" I question, taking to picture of her back. "Yeah, it hurts." She mumbled with a sigh. "Okay, I'll get you some medicine to help." I tell her and she nods again.

"Here, take this whilst I get the cream out of my bathroom." I say, passing her the medication. "Thank you." She answered quietly.

"Do you want to put it on yourself or would you like me to do it?" I ask, coming back into the kitchen. "Could you please do it?" She asked as tears started to form in her eyes. "Of course I can. Just tell me if I'm hurting you." I say softly.

Once I'd finished applying the cream, I took Y/N into my room to get out a pair of pyjamas that would hopefully not be too big on her. "Try these. They might be a bit big, but it's the smallest size I have." I chuckle slightly, handing the clothes to her. "Thank you." She smiles.

When Y/N and I are in our pyjamas we decide to sit down and watch a movie.
"I come baring popcorn." I announce walking into the living room and she chuckles slightly.

"What movie did you pick?" I question. "Pitch Perfect 3." She said and I nodded, sitting down beside her.

Throughout the movie Y/N kept giggling at Fat Amy's jokes which made me laugh too. I've never seen her so relaxed and it makes me happy that she feels comfortable around me.

By the end of the movie I could tell she was sleepy by the way she kept on yawning every thirty seconds. "Come on, let's get you to bed." I stand up from the couch and reach out my hand for Y/N to hold.

We reach the guest room and she climbs into bed, pulling the covers over herself. "Come and get me in the night if you need to. Don't worry about waking me up." I tell her. "Okay. Thank you Miss Romanoff." She says. "Please, call me Natasha." I laugh. "Okay."

"Goodnight sweetheart." I coo, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight." She mumbles.


I was woken up in the middle of the night by Y/N shaking me gently and whispering my name. "Are you okay?" I groan. "I had a nightmare and I can't get back to sleep." She admits. I turn on the lamp next to me for some gentle light and as my eyes adjust I see that Y/N had been crying. "Oh sweetheart." I say as I stand up pulling her into a hug. "Would you like to sleep in here with me?" I ask gently. "Yes please." She replies in a groggy voice.

We get into bed and I pull the covers over this both of us. Y/N cuddles up next to me, resting her head on my chest.

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