chapter twenty-four

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I didn't get out of bed until nine o'clock this morning which is quite late for me. I went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee before opening up my laptop and seeing that the school had emailed me back. They were fine about Y/N having time off and were completely understanding about it. I could tell though that they weren't as happy about the fact I was taking time off too, but Y/N needs me right now and that is way more important.

It was nearly midday when Y/N woke up and made her way next to me on the sofa. "Good morning." She mumbles, resting her head on my shoulder. "Morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?" I ask. "Alright I guess." She shrugs.

"Do you want some breakfast?" I ask, running my fingers through her hair. "I'm not hungry." She says quietly. I go to tell her that she should probably eat something considering the fact that she only had a few bites of her dinner last night, but before I can say anything her stomach rumbles. "I thought you said you weren't hungry?" I ask. She sighs in defeat. "Come on, let's get you something to eat." I say, getting off the couch. I reach out my hand for her to grab but she doesn't take it. "Sweetheart." I sigh. The tears start to form in her eyes and she shakes her head. "Hey, it's okay." I cooed, sitting back down next to Y/N and pulling her into a hug. She buried her head into my shoulder and sobbed.

I kept reassuring her as she cried, it broke my heart seeing her struggle like this.

"Do you think you could try just a few bites of something? It doesn't have to be anything big." I ask softly and Y/N nodded hesitantly. "Okay honey." I place a kiss on her head and we get up and walk to the kitchen. "What do you feel like?" I ask. "Maybe some fruit?" She shrugs.

I cut some fruit up for the both of us, not that I was particularly hungry, but I though if I ate with Y/N it might make it a bit easier for her.

I could see the hesitation with every bite she took, but she ended up eating half of her bowl. "Y/N?" I ask. "Yeah?"

"You know I'm extremely proud of you, right? And not just with this, but in everything. I want you to know that no matter what you do in life, whether you work in a fast food chain for the rest of you life or own your own business one day, I will be equally as proud of you. You deserve more credit than you give yourself." I tell her. Y/N tilts her head down and smiles softly. "Thank you mama, I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart."

I invited MJ over when she was done with school and I realised I'd forgot to ask mom. "Hey mama?" I say, walking into the living room where she was sat doing work on her laptop. "Yeah?"  "Can MJ come over soon?" I ask. "Yeah, thats fine." She smiles. "Yay, because she's already on her way and I just realised that I didn't ask you." I chuckle. "You know she's always welcome. You don't have to ask me." Mom assures me.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask, sitting on the couch next to her. "Work." She sighs. "I thought you got time off?"

"I did, but I need to send through an email to the relief teacher about what we've been doing so she can plan what she needs for the next couple of weeks." She tells me. "Oh, that sounds like fun." I laugh which causes her to chuckle.

"I'll get it!" I say, jumping up from the couch after hearing a knock at the door. I open it with a smile on my face as I was really looking forward to seeing MJ. "Hi!" I exclaim when I open the door. "Hey beautiful." She smiles, I feel my cheeks turn red.

She walks in the door and Otis immediately comes running up to MJ. I swear my own dog loves MJ more than he loves me. She picks him up and he licks her whole face which makes me giggle.

"Hi Natasha." MJ says, walking into the living room whilst still holding Otis. "Hi sweetheart, how are you?" Mom asks. "I'm good. How are you?" MJ replies. "I'm good thank you."

"I can leave you girls be if you want to watch a movie or something?" Mom asks. "Oh no that's okay, we'll probably just watch one on my laptop in my room." I smile.

It had been a couple of hours since MJ got here and I presumed that she was staying for dinner so I was sure to make extra.

I knocked on Y/N's door to let them know that I was coming in, only to notice that Y/N had fallen asleep practically on top of MJ.

MJ was still awake and smiled when she saw me. "I just came to let you know that dinner is ready." I say. "Okay, I'll wake Y/N up and we'll be out in a minute." She says and I nod, leaving the room.

A few moments later MJ walks into the dining room whilst carrying Y/N. She goes to put her down but Y/N won't let go which makes me laugh. "Y/N you have to let go if you want to eat dinner." MJ chuckles. "Fine." Y/N groans childishly.

I could see the hesitation with every bit Y/N took, but she ate at least half of her plate. She stayed quiet and moved her fork around in her bowl whilst MJ and I finished up our food. "You done sweetheart?" I ask Y/N and she nods. "Okay." I smile, getting off my chair to clean up the table.

"I love you." I kiss her forehead before I take her bowl from in front of her. "I love you too."

a/n: hey! i finally have decided on how to end this book so theres only going to be a couple more chapters...maybe three, depending on how much i can fit into the next part. my original plan fort his book was to only make it a short story but clearly, it ended up on being a lot longer.

but i just wanted to say thank you to every single person who has read and voted for this book, it honestly means so much !!

also, i'm going to sydney in august and i'm so excited ahh

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