chapter five

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"Okay, can I ask. When was the last time it happened?" Officer Hill asked. "3 days ago." I said, trying my best to hold back my tears. I felt Natasha squeeze my hand gently and I turned to her. She saw that tears started to fall from my eyes and she wiped them away with a gentle smile.

I heard Officer Hill say something to Natasha but I wasn't really paying attention. I was starting to get really overwhelmed by everything. "That's all we need to know for now." Hill stated and left the room. As soon as she left I broke down into Natasha's arms. She held me tightly. "I'm so proud of you Y/N." She whispered into my ear.

After I'd composed myself we left the room. Natasha said that we had one more thing that Hill needed to talk to us about.

"Does Y/N have any immediate family that can take care of her?" Officer Hill asks as she walks up to us. "No I don't." I admitted. "Okay, is there anyone that can look after her? Otherwise we'll have to look into foster care for the time being." Hill continued.

"I'll look after her!" I say with no hesitation. Y/N looked up to me and smiled. "Really?" She asks. "Of course. I like your company." I smile. Y/N immediately engulfed me into a hug.

After pulling away Hill speaks up again. "Okay, that's great. There's just some paperwork that you'll need to fill up. Also if it's not too much for Y/N, I recommend you take her to the hospital to get a rape kit done by the end of the day, otherwise after 72 hours they won't be able to do it." She admits. "Okay."

I filled out all the paperwork the paperwork needed. "Are you okay if we go to the hospital?" I asked Y/N gently. "I don't really want too, but if you think it will help?" She shrugs. "I think it will help, but if you're not comfortable with it I don't want you to feel like you have to go." I assure her. "It's okay, I'll go." She smiles sadly.


About an hour later we arrived at the hospital and after about another half an hour of waiting her name was called.

"So it says on the chart that you are here to have a rape kit done. Is that right?" The doctor confirms with us. Y/N nodded in return.

"Okay. Do you want your mom to stay or leave?" The doctor asks. "She can stay." Y/N smiles, not correcting her on the fact that I'm not her mom. Well not yet anyway.

The doctor went on with the exam. I could tell Y/N was anxious as she kept playing with her fingers.


The exam took quite along time. We were in there for at least 3 hours. "Okay, we're all done here. You did really well Y/N." The doctor smiles at her.

"Thank you." Y/N says shyly.

"I'm also going to give you some medication to help with your bruising and any pain you may be experiencing." The doctor added. "Okay." Y/N replied.

"Okay I just need to go over some paperwork and we can go home." I say. "Okay." Y/N smiles.

It was already 9:00pm by the time we got to leave. Y/N sat in the passenger seat as I began to drive home. I had the radio on a low volume as I drove through the city. Being a Saturday night, the traffic in New York is horrible.

Y/N had drifted off to sleep after only being in the car for 20 minutes. It had been a really long day for her. It absolutely broke my heart to hear everything she's gone through, but I really hope that she lets me adopt her and we can start making some happy memories together.

I finally pulled up on my driveway just after 10 o'clock. I got out the car and walked over to Y/N's side. I undid her seatbelt and carefully lifted her into my arms, trying not to wake her.

She groaned and slightly opened her eyes. "It's okay Y/N, I've got you. You can go back to sleep." I whispered.

I carried her into my bedroom. I was a little unsure if she'd want someone with her tonight or not, but I decided to put her in my bed just in case she needed me.

I slowly pulled her shoes off and lifted the sheets over her. I then got into my pyjamas before climbing into bed next to her. "Goodnight Y/N." I said quietly and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

A/N: I apologise for the terrible writing on this chapter I'm so sorry 😶

so like I said earlier, I don't really know how long I'm planning on doing this story and who else I'm going to include, but with that said, please let me know if you have any requests!

hope you're all doing well 🤍

Edit: okay the fact that this story has 1k reads in less than 24hrs is insane! Thank you guys so much 🙏🏻

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