chapter nineteen

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two weeks later

It's been two weeks since I turned fifteen and things have been going really well. MJ and I made it official a few days ago and we've been spending practically everyday together. Apparently mom is seeing someone too - well, at least I think she is.
She hasn't told me anything but she's been out a couple of times and it's obvious that it's something special because mom never dresses up that fancy.

Overall, I've been really happy. Except, this one kid at school, Ryle, is an asshole to me. I don't know what I've done to piss him off but apparently, I've done something.
He's too much of a chicken to say anything to me when someone else is around and part of me finds it funny, but the other part wishes that he would just leave me alone. I've had enough of asshole men for this lifetime.


I hear a knock on the door but I wasn't expecting MJ to come over this afternoon and I have no friends, so I just assume that it was for mom.
A few moments later there's a knock at my bedroom door so I lift my head of from the piles of homework splayed out on my bed, to see MJ.

"Hey, I didn't think you were coming over this afternoon?" I say, making my way over to her. "Yeah well, I missed you." She smiles. I chuckle slightly and pull her in for a kiss.
"You literally saw me three hours ago at school."
"And it was a very dreadful three hours." MJ laughs.

Even though MJ was here, I still had a lot of homework unfortunately. There was this one math problem that neither of us could figure out - it's always math I get stuck on. "Mom!" I called out. I realised I probably sounded like I was hurt or something by the way I said it and she came running into the room only a few seconds later. "What happened?" She asked, concernedly. "Oh nothing, I just need help with math." I laugh. "Oh my god Y/N, I thought you'd hurt yourself." She lets out a deep breath. "Sorry."
She made her way over and sat at the end of the bed and helped me with my homework until all three of us got distracted and started talking.

Eventually the conversation came to an end and mom got up to leave the room. "Oh, I forgot ask. Would you be okay if I went out tonight?" She asks, turning herself around to face me again. "Yeah," I drag out, "Why are you asking?"
She shrugs, "Well I've been out a few times in the last week or so, and I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it."
"Of course, you're allowed to go out," I pause for a moment, "As long as you tell me who you're going on a date with." I say. Mom looks a little bit surprised at first but shakes it off. "I'm not going on a date." She says, her voice reaching a slightly higher octave. It's obvious she's lying. "Then tell me where you're going." I shrug. "God, you're bossy," she laughs, "I'm just going out with a friend. I'll leave money on the counter so you two can order pizza if you want. MJ you're welcome to stay the night." She admits before changing the subject and leaving the room.

"She's so going on a date." I laugh as I turn to MJ.


MJ phoned her Dad and told her she was staying the night. He was cool with it considering it was a Friday.

"Alright I'm heading off now. Don't do anything stupid whilst I'm gone." Mom says. "No promises." I chuckle and she squints her eyes at me. "I won't be home until late but message me if you need anything."
"I will." I smile and she kisses my forehead. "Bye mom."
"Bye sweetheart, bye MJ."

I lock the door behind my mom before turning to face MJ. "What should we do?" She asks. "You know, I would say we should do the complete opposite of what mom told us to do and go do something stupid like go to a party, or hang out with the drug addicts that camp out in the alleyway down the street, but that would require actually talking to people and my social anxiety can not handle that tonight. So I'm thinking we order pizza and watch a movie." I ramble. MJ just stares at me once I'm finished because we both break out into a fit of laughter.
"You're such an idiot." MJ says. "Yeah, but I'm your idiot."
"That you are." She admits before cupping my cheeks with her hands and pulling me into a kiss.

the next morning

I didn't hear my mom come home last night so it must have been late considering MJ and I didn't go to sleep until one-thirty in the morning.

MJ had just woken up and said she was thirsty so I went to go to the kitchen to get her a glass of water.

I rub my eyes as I walk to the kitchen, trying not to bump into all the furniture on my way there. As I take my hands away from my face I'm met with my mom kissing another woman behind the counter. I don't say anything because I'm slightly surprised but I'm even more surprised when they pull away and I see who it is.

My moms back was to me so she hadn't noticed I was there. Neither had Officer Hill until her eyes saw the very confused expression on my face.

She cleared her throat and nodded her head towards me and my mom turned around and looked at me wide-eyed.

"I-I'm just, I'm just gonna go." I say as I point behind me.
I practically run back into my room and shut the door behind me. "You forgot my water. I swear you have the memory of a goldfish." MJ chuckles.

She notices the confused look on my face and asks, "What happened?"
"I just walked in on my mom kissing someone." I admit with a slight chuckle. "No-" MJ drags out. "I know! And you know what's worse?" I say, jumping onto the bed. "What?"
"She had my moms shirt on."
"Eww!" MJ says with a look of disgust.
"I know. But it gets worse!"
"Oh god."
"She was the officer that helped me get my Dad in jail." I say. Truthfully I don't know what to feel. It doesn't bother me that they are clearly dating, but I don't think I was ready to see that first thing in the morning. Like damn, it's only seven am.
MJ puts her head in her hands and shakes her head whilst she laughs.

"Y/N honey, can I come in?" I hear my moms voice from the other side of the door.

A/N: it's been a bit since I updated but I hope you enjoyed:)
how have you all been?

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