chapter seven

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The moment Natasha told me that she wanted to adopt me I immediately burst into tears. It was the first time in a very long time that I felt wanted.

We went back to the house, stopping for ice cream on the way. It was the evening now so I went to shower whilst Natasha started on dinner.

Even with everything that has been happening, especially in the last few days, I couldn't help but be happy. I haven't told her, but Natasha has always been my favourite teacher. She makes me feel safe and wanted which isn't something I've felt much in my life.

After my shower I get into my new pyjamas and walk into the kitchen to see Natasha serving up dinner.

"Hey, I hope don't mind, I made spaghetti bolognese again. I know we had it the other night but it's my favourite." Nat admitted. "Are you kidding, I could eat it 3 times a day and I wouldn't complain." I chuckle.

We sit down at the table and talk as we eat. "Do you think you'll be okay to go to school tomorrow?" Natasha asks. "You'll be there so I think I'll be okay." I smile. "Okay. You can come and get me at any time if you need." She admits.

It's Monday again tomorrow which means Y/N has school. I wasn't sure if she'd be up for going considering the last few days that she's had, but she said she'd be okay because I'd be there. It made me happy knowing that she felt safe with me.

After dinner, I showered and then joined Y/N on the couch to watch Twilight. She cuddled up next to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

Whilst the movie played I felt teardrops fall onto my shoulder. I looked down to see that Y/N was crying.

"Y/N love, what's wrong?" I ask softly. "I don't know." She replied. "I'm just tired and I feel really overwhelmed all of a sudden." Y/N cried. "Oh sweetheart, come here." I cooed, pulling her closer into a hug. "It's okay to feel overwhelmed. You've had a lot going on lately and even if you didn't, it's okay to be tired." I assured her as I ran my fingers through her hair.

"You've been so brave Y/N and I'm so incredibly proud of you." I tell her whilst she continues to cry into my shoulder. "Do you want to get some sleep? We can finish the movie tomorrow night." I ask gently. "Yes please."

We walked into the guest room, which now I guess is Y/N's, I tucked her into bed and cuddle up next to her as she feel asleep.

Once I was sure she'd fallen asleep, I got up to go shower and get ready for bed myself.


During the night I felt a body next to mine and I realised Y/N had crawled into bed next to me. She was already asleep so she must have come in a while ago. I saw the dried tear marks on her cheeks and realised that she must have had a nightmare.

My alarm goes off at 6:00am. I have to be at the school an hour earlier than Y/N but I'll ask if she wants to come with me or if she wants to walk. It's not that far from my house.

But first I go to make coffee and cook us breakfast. The sun rays are shining through the kitchen window. As much as I hate getting up this early, there's something so peaceful about it.

I decide on making us both bacon and eggs. Not long after I've started Y/N walks in. "I smelt bacon and it got me out of bed." She states. I chuckle slightly.

"Good morning sweetheart." I say. "Morning." Y/N smiles.

"How come you came in to my bed last night? Not that I mind, I'm just curious." I ask. "I had a nightmare." Y/N sighs. "I'm sorry sweetheart.
You can always wake me if you need too." I assure her. "Okay." She mumbles.

She walks over to me and gives me a hug, which I return. "Thank you, for everything Nat." She says. "You don't need to thank me." I kiss her forehead.

"So I have to get to the school by 7:30. Do you want to come in earlier with me or you can walk?" I ask. "I'll probably walk if that's ok?" Y/N says. "Of course it's okay, I'll give you the key to lock up." I tell her.

After breakfast, both Y/N and I get ready to go to school.

"I'll see you at school." I say as I give Y/N a kiss on the forehead. "See you soon." She smiles. "Message me when you're leaving." I state before I shut the door behind me and make my way to school.

Natasha left a little earlier than me. I would've gone with her, except I didn't want to sit alone in a classroom for an hour.

I use this time to finish getting myself ready and clean up the kitchen a bit as Natasha ran out of time to do the dishes after breakfast.

I leave a little earlier than I usually would so I decide to stop at my regular coffee shop and order a hot chocolate. I'm not necessarily a fan of coffee and I only get it if I absolutely need it.

As I turn to leave with my hot chocolate in my hand I see my stepdad walking in the door.

A/N: hello! sorry there was no update yesterday:/
but I hope you enjoyed 🤍

I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Thank you for all the support xx

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