chapter fourteen

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The next four weeks go by and I've pretty much had the same routine of getting up and leaving for school as soon as possible, talking with Natasha before, during lunch and after school, going home and doing homework and then getting scolded if I was home a minute later than 4pm.

Olivia got adopted a few days ago and I was happy for her, but it left me feeling alone. I don't talk to any of the boys at the foster home.

I can't wait until I get to move back home with Natasha. That's if it happens.

This morning is like any other, I get up, get ready and head off to school.

As I walk into Natasha's classroom she greets me with a warm smiles. "Morning." I say. "Morning, honey."

"I bought you a muffin for breakfast just in case you didn't eat this morning." Natasha says pulling the food from her bag. "Yum, thank you!" I widely smile.


Everyday that I see Y/N at school I'm reminded that she doesn't get to come home and it breaks my hurt.

I'm currently teaching my last lesson of the day and it happens to be Y/N's class.

With only 15 minutes left of the lesson I get a phone call. I usually try to ignore them unless they're important and this one happens to be. It's from the adoption agency.

"Keep working, I just have to take an important phone call." I say to my class as I walk out the door and into the hallway.

"Hi, sorry if I caught you at a bad time." The lady on the phone says.

"No, it's okay." I reply. "I'm calling to let you know that your application to adopt Y/N has been approved."

"Oh my god, really!?" I exclaim. "Yes. There's some paperwork you'll need to sign so if you could come down this afternoon that would be great. It can take a day or two to finalise but then Y/N will be able to come home with you." The person on the phone explains.

"That is great news! Thank you so much." I enthuse. "I'll see you later this afternoon then." I continue.

"See you then." She hangs up the phone.

I walk back into the class room trying to contain myself of excitement. I can't wait to tell Y/N.

10 minutes later the class ends and everyone starts to make their way out.

Y/N puts her laptop in her bag and walks over to my desk. "Guess what!" I say excitedly. She picks up on my mood and smiles.

"What?" She lightly chuckles. "It got approved. I'm adopting you!"

Y/N's jaw dropped and she ran over to behind my desk where I was sitting and engulfed me in a hug. "They said it could take a day or two to finalise but then you can move back in with me." I say to her as she buries her head into the crook of my neck.

"I'm gonna go pack." She says excitedly as she pulls away from the hug. "Woah hold on, I'm not done with the hug." I pull her back and Y/N laughs.

"Okay now you can go. Do you want a lift?" I ask. "Yes please!"


"I'll see you tomorrow honey." I kiss her forehead before she gets out car and I make my way to the adoption agency.

When I get there I'm greeted with the same lady that I was on the phone with. "Natasha Romanoff?" She asks and I nod. "Nice to meet you, I'm Pepper Potts. If you could follow me please, we'll go over a few things before you sign the paperwork." She says.

I walk out after signing everything needed. Pepper said that I'll be able to go pick Y/N up tomorrow after school and was so happy.

Y/N has always been one of quiet kids who sits at the back of the class and keeps to herself.

The moment I started to get suspicious of what was happening, a motherly instinct took over and I couldn't help but want to be there for her.

I never thought I would be able to have kids, but here we are and I'm so grateful for Y/N.

A/N: hello :)
sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter 🤷🏻‍♀️

how are you all?

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