chapter eleven

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Today is the day we go to court. I didn't sleep much last night because I'm so anxious.

My alarm went off at 8:00am and Y/N woke up too. She stretched out her arms and yawned as she stood up out of bed. She didn't say anything to me before walking into the bathroom and locking the door, which I thought was strange.

I heard the shower water running and I presumed she was showering so I got out of bed and went to make coffee.

Whilst drinking my very strong cup of coffee, I sat down on the sofa and I spoke with my lawyer on the phone and she went over everything that would happen today. She also explained that if I didn't hear anything from the adoption agency by the end of the day that there's a foster home already ready to take Y/N in.

Y/N eventually came out of the bathroom, already dressed and ready for the day. She gave me a small smile.

"Morning." I said before Y/N continued walking through the living room and into the kitchen without saying anything.

I thought it was a bit strange so I put my cup down on the coffee table and got up to go see her.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine." She answered, avoiding eye contact with me. "Y/N, you know you can talk to me?"

"I said I'm fine!" She slightly raised her voice. I was a little taken aback and Y/N noticed it. "I'm sorry." She mumbled.

"It's okay." I assure her. "I'm just so scared for today. What if I have to go back to my step dad, or what if he tries to hurt me and what if this is the last morning I get to spend with you." She panics. "Y/N, look at me." I say, placing mg hands on her shoulders.

"I can promise you that you will not be going back to him. Even Officer Hill has said that there is way too much evidence on him, for him to win this case. I'm going to be there the whole time and I'm not going to let him hurt you." I sternly assure her. She nods and mumbles, "Okay."


Y/N and I made sure we had everything for court after having lunch, before we made our way.

I could tell Y/N was nervous in the car ride there. Her leg kept bouncing up and down and she was playing with the rings on her fingers.

I reach my hand over and grab my hand in hers and squeeze it tightly to assure her that it will be okay.

As we park, I go to get out of the car and notice that Y/N freezes and tears start to fall down her face.

I undo my seat belt and turn to face her. She turns to face me and I see the panic in her eyes. "I-I can't do t-this." She chokes. "I know you think that you can't Y/N, but I promise you, you can. In a few hours time this will all be over and you'll never have to see your step father again." I say and I wipe the tears from under her eyes with my thumb. "You're stronger than you think you are."


We get out the car and Y/N grabs my hand as we walk inside. Officer Hill is already there and I see her talking with my lawyer, Miss Danvers.

They see us and come over. "How are you doing
Y/N?" Hill asks. Y/N shrugs her shoulders in return.

After talking for a moment I see Y/N staring at someone and I notice her step father walk through the doors with handcuffs on.

Y/N turns to me and says, "I need to use the bathroom." She looks really pale all of a sudden and I can tell that something is wrong. "O-okay, I'll show you where it is, I've been here before." I reply. I take her hand and lead her to the bathroom.

Once we get there Y/N immediately runs into a stall a throws up the contents of whatever she had in her stomach. I crouch beside her pulling her her back, making sure it doesn't get in her face.

She eventually stops and sits her head against the walls of the toilet stool. "I just want it to be over." She starts to cry. "I know sweetheart." I coo.

"Come here." I frown, pulling her into a hug. Y/N cries into my shoulder.

I notice her breath picking up rapidly so I pull her of my shoulder and place my hands on hers. "I need you to breathe for me sweetheart."

"I-I c-can't." She says. I can see the evident fear in her eyes and I can hear it in her voice. "Yes you can Y/N. Just follow me." I sternly say.

Y/N's breath eventually stabilises after following my breathing. Just as we are about to leave, Miss Danvers walks in and says, "They're ready for us."

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