chapter twenty-five

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3 months later

"Hey mom, I'm going out with MJ, Peter and Ned today if that's okay?" I ask hopefully.  "Yeah that's fine, do you need a lift?" She asks. "Yes please." I smile.

I'm not going to lie, these last few months have been a roller-coaster, but I am officially one month clean as of yesterday. It took me three weeks to be able to go back to school, and even then I was only going two-three times a week. Mom has been there every step of the way and I can not describe how grateful I am for her. Not once did she get mad at me when she found out I'd cut myself again or I couldn't eat. She would sit with me whilst I cried - which was basically everyday and night. Somehow she always knew when I needed a hug or when I needed to talk. Sometimes, as much as I wanted to talk, I knew that as soon as I tried I would start crying so she would sit there and braid my hair whist she told me stories about her and Yelena when they were little, and how they would argue over the most ridiculous things.
I'm so incredibly grateful for her.

"Where am I taking you?" My mom asks as we get into the car. "Peter's. We are all meeting there and probably just go out for lunch or something." I admit. "Okay. I probably won't be here when you get home, I'm going out with Maria, but can you just let me know when you're home so I know you're safe?" She asks. "Of course, can MJ come over so I'm not alone?"
"Of course Y/N, you don't have to ask." She assures me. "Thank you." I smile.


We all ended up getting a burrito from Delmar's Deli just down the road from Peter's apartment and sat in a park whilst we ate.
I was sat in between MJ's legs with my back laying against her chest. "Aww you guys are so cute." Ned says which cause both MJ and I go chuckle. I tilt my head up and she pecks me on the lips. "Okay, ew. Don't do that in front of us." Peter laughs.

"Ew, they left the pickles in my burrito. Does anyone want them?" I ask. "I'll have them!" Peter says quickly.

After we'd all eaten we sat and talked for a couple of hours before MJ and I went back to my house.

"What do you wanna do?" She asks, shrugging her shoulders. "First, I need to get out of these jeans because they are so uncomfortable and then we can maybe watch a movie or something?" I suggest. "Okay, as long as it's not one of those cheesy romantic comedy's you like." She tells me. "Hmm, fine." I kiss her lips.

MJ sat on my bed whilst I got changed. We haven't done more than kissing, we decided that we both weren't ready for that yet, but we didn't mind getting dressed in front of each other. It didn't mean we had to do anything.

Just as I'm about to throw on a tracksuit I notice a spider on the hoodie and immediately scream, dropping it to the floor. If I have a fear of anything, it's definitely spiders.

"What happened?" MJ asks. "There's a big ass spider on my hoodie!" I say. "Oh I love spiders, where did it go?" She questions, getting off the bed. "I don't know, it's somewhere on the floor." I panic. MJ laughs. "Hey don't laugh at me." I whine. "Sorry." She bites her cheek, trying to keep in her laughter.

I feel something tickling on my thigh and I look down to see that the spider has crawled onto me. "Oh my god MJ! Get it off of me." I say, trying not to cry. She kneels down and carefully gets the spider of my legs and holding it in her hands. I don't understand how she can do that.

"Y/N is everything- oh my gosh I'm so sorry." My door opens and I turn my head to see my mom. She must have just gotten home. My eyes immediately widen considering I'm standing here in my bra and underwear and MJ is still currently on her knees in front of me.

I can imagine how this looks.

"Oh my god mom, this isn't what I looks like." I say as her hand covers her eyes and she walks out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Jesus, I can't believe that just happened." MJ laughed. "I know." I groan, putting my head in my hands.

"I should probably go talk to her and explain." I say, as I pull on my sweatpants and a different hoodie. "Okay, I'll deal with the spider. Good luck." MJ chuckles as I leave the room.

"Why didn't you tell me you were having sex Y/N? Are you at least being safe?" Mom says as soon as I leave the room, not giving me a chance to say anything. I can't tell if she's mad or just being protective. "Mom, it wasn't what it looked it." I assure her. "Are you sure, because it sure as hell looked like she was about to go-" I cut her off, "Mom stop, I was just getting dressed and a spider was on my clothes and then it crawled up on me and MJ had to get it off because I hate spiders and can't touch them!" I say quickly. She stares at me for a moment and sighs, "Oh thank god. You're too young to be doing that." She says in relief. "I'm fifteen mom." I say. "Exactly. You only just turned fifteen a few months ago. Which is way too young to be having sex." She tells me, pulling me into a hug.


MJ had plans with her family tonight which meant she couldn't stay over, so mom and I decided we were going to have a movie night and we ended up watching 'The Proposal' and 'Mamma Mia' and as I cuddled up to her I finally felt truly happy for the first time in a while. I had the best mom anyone could ever ask for and an amazing girlfriend who I loved so much.

This time last year I dreamed of the life I have right now. I still can remember the feeling of walking in the front door of my abusive home and being scared to death that my stepfather had killed my mom or I was about to get beaten and the locked in my room for days without food. Even now if I think about it, it makes me feel sick.

Yes, I still have a lot of trauma to move past, but I'm extremely grateful for where I am today.

a/n: hey! sorry this chapter was a bit shorter, but the last chapter will be out in a few hours and it's over 2000 words long!

hope you're all doing well x

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