chapter ten

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Y/N and I decided to stop at a coffee shop before we went home. As we sat down I got a call.

"Hi again Natasha, it's Hill. I'm just calling to tell you that we are going to court tomorrow at 1:00pm." She starts. "O-okay, that's sooner than I thought." I say. I was expecting to have at least 2 more nights with Y/N.

"I also need to tell you something about Y/N's mother. She passed away this morning, she overdosed." Hill tells me. "Oh. I-I'll let Y/N know. Thank you Hill."

"I'll see you tomorrow then." She says before hanging up.

I put my phone away as our drinks arrive and look back up at Y/N. "So when are we going to court?" She asks quietly. "Tomorrow at 1:00pm." I sigh.

"Oh, that means tonight is probably my last night with you." Y/N frowns. "Yeah, yeah it does." I smile sadly. "There's one more thing."

"What is it?" She asks curiously. "Your mom, she passed away." I hesitantly tell her. "Oh." Y/N mumbled under her breath. "Do you know how?" She asks quietly. "She overdosed."

Y/N didn't say anything but subtly nodded as she started to drink her hot chocolate. "Are you okay?" I ask. She looks back up at me.

Y/N doesn't say anything but she shrugs her shoulders. The pain I can see in her eyes says more than enough.

"How about tonight, we order takeout for dinner, we eat a whole tub of ice cream, each, and, we can watch what ever movie you'd like?" I suggest. "That sounds like fun." She softly smiles.


Once we got home Y/N and I got into pyjamas, even though it was only 5:00pm.

The first movie we decided to watch was 'Legally Blonde.'

We ordered Chinese food for dinner which was already on its way.

The thought of this being Y/N's last night here for god knows how long, made my heart heavy. I was so scared of what could happen to her in foster care. I hear horror stories about foster homes all the time. Y/N has already been through a lifetime of trauma and she's only 14.

The food eventually arrived and we laid it all out on the coffee table. We definitely got more than enough food for the two of us. We could probably feed a whole zoo of people.

Legally Blonde eventually finished and we moved on the watching a few episodes of Gilmore girls.

As I watch the mother-daughter bond between Lorelei and Rory, I can't help but hope that one day Y/N and I will get to have that two. "I hope that will be us one day." Y/N says, as if she can read my thoughts. "You know, I was just thinking that." I smile.

Y/N chuckles slightly and cuddles up closely next to me. "Do you want some ice cream?" I ask. "Yes!" She enthuses. "Okay, I have way to many flavours too choose from so come with me." I chuckle as I grab her hand and pull her into the kitchen.

I open the freezer drawer and Y/N's jaw widens. "Okay, you weren't joking about having way too many options." She giggles.

"Can I have the cookies and cream?" She asks politely. "Of course you can." I say and take it out of the freezer. I take out the vanilla one for myself. "Out of all the flavours you chose vanilla?" Y/N laughs. "What can I say, I'm boring." I shrug and chuckle slightly.

I grab out a spoon for each of us and start to make my way back into the living room. Y/N however, stays in the kitchen.

"You coming?" I turn to face her. "What about bowls?" She asks curiously. "Ah, don't worry about bowls. I'm not that classy." I laugh and Y/N giggles slightly too.

As Y/N and I sit on the sofa again we continue to watch Gilmore Girls and she cuddles up next to me.

I could tell she was thinking about something and out of no where she dips her finger into the ice cream and wipes it on my nose as she giggles. I gasp sarcastically and do the same to her.

She does it again. "Cheeky!" I say as I start to tickle her stomach.

Y/N is rolling around giggling. She has such an infectious laugh that immediately makes you laugh when you hear it. "Okay, stop stop. I'm sorry!" She pleads with a huge smile on her face.

I stop as pull her back into a hug. "I love you Y/N." I say as I kiss her head. "I love you too!" She grins and yawns.

"Do you want to go to bed?" I ask softly. "No, because that means tomorrow will be here." She sadly mumbles. "Aww sweetheart. How about we just lay here then and I'll take you to bed when you've fallen asleep?"

"Okay." She smiles sadly.

Not long after Y/N has fallen asleep beside me so I pick her up and carry her to my bed. I thought about putting her in her own bed, but since it was probably her last night I decided on putting her in mine.

A/N: hello! thank you so much for 3k reads !!
not proofread.
I hope you all have a wonderful day x

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