chapter sixteen

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Not long after singing our hearts to Taylor Swift,
Y/N fell asleep on the sofa, so I carefully lifted her up and carried her to bed. I tucked her in and gave her a kiss on the forehead before switching off her lamp and closed her door to the halfway point.

The living room was a bit of a mess so I put our dirty dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned up the spilt popcorn before heading to bed myself.


Y/N and I spent majority of Saturday morning sleeping in and it was already 11:00am by the time we got out of bed.

After having a very late breakfast we sat down across from each other and I got on with some work whilst Y/N finished up some homework. I could tell that her frustration was growing by the constant tapping of her pen on the table and how she would occasionally drop her head in her arms.

"Do you need some help?" I ask. "Yes, please." She mumbles. I got off my seat and went over to sit next to her. She happened to be doing Russian which made it easier for me.

I made Y/N some lunch after helping her with her homework and she sat on the sofa whilst I continued on with my work, until I eventually joined her.

"So my sister, Yelena, has been asking to meet you and I wanted to see if it what okay with you if she came around for dinner tonight?" I ask hopefully. "It's okay if you want to say no, neither of us with be offended." I continue. "I'm okay with it." She shrugs and smiles. "Oh, does this means she's like my auntie?"

"I guess it does." I chuckle.

As the afternoon went on, I could tell that Y/N was slightly nervous but I assured her that everything would be okay and if at anytime she got overwhelmed, Yelena could leave. After everything that's happened to Y/N, I can understand why she has such a hard time trusting adults.

I decided to make lasagna for dinner as it was one of Yelena's favourites. Her favourite being Mac and Cheese, but I didn't feeling like making that. Y/N said she wanted to shower before Yelena came so that's what she did whilst I made dinner.

Just as the timer goes off on the oven I hear a knock at the door. I quickly take the lasagna out before letting Yelena in.

"Hi!" She says enthusiastically. "Hey. What's in the bag?" I ask, nothing she has a bag of groceries. "Mac and Cheese and hot sauce." Yelena smiles childishly. I roll my eyes, "Yelena I told you I was making dinner, why did you bring Mac and Cheese?"

"It's not just Mac and Cheese, I bought Vodka too." She admits as she pushes past me, letting herself in. "Where's Y/N?"

"I think she's either in the shower or in her room, ill go get her."

Y/N happened to be walking out of her room as I went to walk in. "Hey sweetheart, I just came to tell you Yelena is here."

"Oh okay." She says nervously "Hey, you'll be fine okay. I'm won't leave you alone with her if you're not comfortable."

A few moments later I walk back in with Y/N who was following behind me. "Yelena this is Y/N. Y/N, Yelena." I introduce them.

"Hi Y/N, it's nice to finally meet you." Yelena smiles. "It's nice to meet you too." Y/N shyly says.


The three of us sit at the table and Yelena gets to know Y/N and I notice that Y/N is getting more comfortable around her.

Yelena pours herself a shot of Vodka and asks, "Y/N, do you want any?"

My eyes widened. "No!" I say before Y/N can even have to chance to respond. "Why not?" Yelena pouts. "She's only 14!"
"Nearly 15." Y/N corrects me and I send her a playful glare. "Still doesn't change the facts, Y/N is not drinking." I declare, leaving no room for argument.

Yelena sits back in her seat and groans. 'Later' I see her mouth to Y/N as she winks, slightly nodding her head. "No Yelena, not later." I sternly say. "God you're such a mom." She rolls her eyes.

"So what's for dessert?" Lena asks. "I didn't make dessert but there's plenty of ice cream in the freezer." I say.

As Y/N and I are clearing the dining table I hear Yelena shout from the kitchen, "Where are your pots and pans?"

"There's one, but I think it's in the dishwasher." I reply. "You have one pot?" She asks. "Well I was one person." I shrug. "That's so weird."

"Why do you need it anyway?" I ask curiously. "So I can make Mac and Cheese." She admits.
"Oh I love Mac and Cheese!" Y/N enthuses.


"I just need to run to the bathroom, can I trust you two not to do anything stupid for a moment." I laugh. "Probably not." Yelena admits. I roll my eyes and leave the room.

A few minutes later I come back to the kitchen to Yelena pouring Y/N a shot. "Don't even think about it Y/N." I scold. She looks and me and cheekily smiles and downs the Vodka anyways, completely ignoring what I told her. I send her a glare and start running after her. "Run Y/N!" Yelena laughs.

Y/N immediately starts running around the house but it doesn't take me long to catch up and immediately start tickling her to the point where she falls to the ground.

"Stop, stop!" Y/N giggles, but I continue to tickle her. "I'm sorry, please stop!"

I didn't listen to her until, "Please mama, stop!", and then I immediately stopped. "What did you say? Did you just call me mama?" I ask in shock, but a smile forming on my face.

A/N: hello!!
how are you all doing?

this hasn't been proofread yet so sorry for any mistakes x

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