chapter eight

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He sees me. Without hesitation he walks up to me. Everyone in the coffee shop is busy, so no-one notices when he grabs me by the wrist and drags me out.

I try to fight my way out of his grip but evidently, he is stronger.

As he pushes me up against the wall of an alleyway and grabs the hot chocolate and throws it away. "Where the hell do you think you've been?!?" He yells.

Before I can even speak, he slaps his hand across my face so hard that you could probably see a hand mark.

He starts punching me in my stomach leaving me winded, and he holds his hand around my neck which causes me to choke as he yells in my face.

He goes to unzip his pants, but before he can I hear someone yell "HEY!"

It was Officer Hill.

I see her talk into her radio as she runs over to me. Without hesitating she puts him in handcuffs and 2 other police officers come running over.

They take him away as Officer Hill sits next to me.

"Are you okay Y/N?" She asks. I feel like the words are stuck in my throat and I can't talk so I just shake my head. "What happened?" She asks gently.

I remain silent as I stare at the ground trying to process everything that just happened.

"Do you have your phone so I can call Natasha?" She asks as she knows Natasha is looking after me. I nod and she goes into my bag to take out my phone. "Can you tell me your password?"

School starts in 10 minutes and I still haven't seen
Y/N. I have her in my first class so I'll probably see her then anyway.

As I go to walk into the classroom my phone rings and I see that it's from Y/N.

"Hi Y/N, you okay?" I ask. "Hi Natasha, it's Officer Hill." I hear on the other side of the phone. What on earth has happened...

"W-What happened? Is everything okay with Y/N?" I ask in a panicked tone. "Y/N ran into her stepfather and she's pretty beat up." She admits.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before asking, "Where are you?" "The coffee shop on the corner in 6th Avenue." Officer Hill says. "I'm on my way" I state before hanging up the phone.

I tell the principal that I need to go because of a family emergency and says that he'll find a relief teacher for the day which I thank him for.

I shouldn't of let Y/N walk to school by herself.

10 minutes later I get there and see Y/N sat against the wall with her knees to her chest and tears falling down her face. The hand mark on her cheek doesn't go unnoticed either.

"Oh sweetheart." I sigh as I walk up to Y/N and crouch down in front of her. She looks up at my face and immediately started sobbing as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." I whisper as I sit down and she lays in my arms. "I just want it to stop." She cries. "I know baby, I know." I say, trying not to cry myself.

Officer Hill looked at me with a frown and a sad smile. "Can you tell me what happened Y/N?" I cooed. "I-I was g-getting a hot chocolate and h-he walked in as I went to l-leave and dragged me out." She sobbed.

"I just want the pain to go away. When will it go away. Please make it stop!" Y/N broke down. "It's okay baby, I'm here, you can let it all out." I said as the tears started falling down my own cheeks.

Y/N sat there in my arms crying for at least 30 minutes. If I could take all her pain away I would, without any hesitation. But I can't. I can only help her get through it. Officer Hill left about 20 minutes ago after seeing that Y/N was safe with me.

"Let's go home?" I question softly. Y/N nods in return.


As we drove home I could tell that Y/N was in a lot of pain so as soon as we got home and go to the kitchen and Y/N sits on the barstool as I get out some medication for her. "Here, take this. It should help with some of the pain." "Thank you." She mumbles.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" I ask softly. "I just want cuddles." She smiles sadly. "Okay." I smile, lifting her up carefully as I carry her to the sofa.

I turned on the TV and Y/N cuddled up as close as she could. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you." I lowly speak. "It's not your fault." She smiles and assures me.

Y/N soon fell asleep with her head resting on my lap. Even though it was only midday I could tell she was absolutely exhausted. I sat there and watched TV as Y/N slept, not wanting to wake her.

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