chapter seventeen

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"What did you just say? Did you just call me mama?" I ask in surprise. Y/N looks up at me with wide eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." She says in a slight panic. "No it's okay, you can call me that if you want." I assure her. Y/N smiles and pulls me into a tight hug. "But if I ever catch you drinking alcohol without my permission again, you're going to be in a lot of trouble." I chuckle. "Sorry."


40 minutes later it was getting quite late and Y/N was tired so she decided to go to bed. "Goodnight Yelena." She said, giving her a quick hug. "Goodnight Y/N." Yelena placed a kiss on her head. After pulling away from Yelena she came over to me and engulfed me in a hug, "Goodnight Mama." Y/N mumbled. My heart instantly warms at this, "Goodnight Sweetheart. I love you."
"I love you too."

"She's a good kid." My sister said as she sat back down on the sofa after Y/N went to bed. "Yeah, she is." I smile, sitting across from her.

"So, what's new with you?" I ask. "Hm, nothing much. I got a dog!" She enthuses. "You got a dog? What's it's name?"

"Fanny." She states. I laugh, "You named your dog, Fanny?"


The conversation went on until eventually Yelena went home and I went to bed.

2 weeks later.

"Y/N, get out of bed or you'll be late for school." My mom shouts from outside my bedroom.

I've been calling Natasha, mom, for the last couple of weeks. At first I was scared she didn't really want me to call her that, but truthfully, she's always been more of a mother to me than my birth mother so it felt right.

I've also gotten closer to MJ. She's in most of my classes and I always sit with her at lunch. Most of the time we are discussing books or ranting to each other about how much we hate people, especially teenagers. Ironic, considering we are both teenagers ourselves, but honestly majority of the people in this school suck.

"Do I have to go?" I groan. "Yes you do."

"But it's my birthday week." I complain. I hear her laugh, "And I already said, you can have the day off on your birthday, but you're not missing a whole week."

"Ugh, fine!" I mumble, eventually dragging myself out of bed and making my way to the bathroom to get ready.

Once I'm done I go to the kitchen and see that breakfast was already made. "Here you go sweetheart." Mom says as she slides the bowl of fruit and yogurt over to me. "Thank you."

"How'd you sleep." She asks. "Alright I guess. I don't know why but I feel so tired so I go to bed but then my mind gets really busy and it takes me so long to actually get to sleep."

"Hmm. Is there anything in particular on your mind?" She asks curiously. "I don't even know what I'm thinking about, I just feel like there are so many things going on in my brain sometimes that I can't keep up." I shrug.

I see her frown slightly before saying, "I'll pick up some melatonin to help you sleep but if you want to talk about anything you know you can always come to me."

"I know, thank you." I smile.

She nods slightly. "So is there anything you'd like to do for your birthday on Wednesday?"

"Hmm not really. I never really had anyone to celebrate it with before." I shrug. I see her frown slightly. "Well we can do whatever you'd like. It doesn't have to be something big either, we can just stay in and watch all your favourite movies and eat lots of pizza." Mom suggests.

"That would be nice." I smile. "If it's okay with you, could MJ come too?" I ask nervously as I look down at my food.

"Of course she can come." She smiles and I return it.


The day seems to go pretty fast and before I know it, the final bell rings. Y/N usually meets me in my classroom after school before we walk back to the car, however today she didn't. I message her asking where she was but she didn't respond so I went looking for her.

Most of the students had cleared the halls by now and gone home but I found MJ and Y/N talking by her locker. I noticed how Y/N is slightly nervous around her and MJ seems to be the same.

Y/N turns her head to see my walking towards them. "Sorry I lost track of time." She tells me. "It's okay."

"You ready to go?" I ask and she nods. Y/N grabs her bag out of her locker and shuts it behind her. "Do you need a lift MJ?"

"No my Dad's waiting for me, but thank you anyway." She tells me.


The drive home from school isn't that long and about 5 minutes into it I can tell that Y/N wants to say something but she keeps stopping herself.

"Mama, can I tell you something?" She finally ask. "Of course." I assure her.

Y/N takes a deep breath. "Actually, never mind." She says, turning her head back to look out the window.

"Hey, don't just leave me hanging like that." I laugh. "What's up?"

She sighs heavily, "I'm scared you're going to judge me or get mad."

"Y/N I can promise you, I'm not going to judge or be mad at you." I firmly assure her. "Okay." She hesitates again slightly for saying,

"I like girls."

I turn to her and smile as we've stopped at a red light. Before I can say anything she speaks up again. "I mean I think I like boys and girls, but I like girls more." She rambles playing with the rings on her fingers.

"I'm so proud of you Y/N!" I grab her hand and squeeze it tightly. "You're not mad?" She asks. "Of course not, not that my opinion should even matter on this, but you're allowed to love whoever you want and there's nothing wrong with it."

She smiles widely at me and leans over to place her head on my shoulder. "Thank you."

I kiss her forehead, "You want to know something?"

"What?" She asks looking up at me. "I like girls too."

A/N: hey :)
hope you all have a lovely day/night <3

oh also, I started reading "It Ends With Us" last night and I'm like half way through and oh my gosh it's so good. I was scared it wasn't going to live up to the hype but it definitely has!!

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