chapter eighteen

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"Mj! Wait up!" I call after her just as she's about to walk out the school doors. Mj flips her head around to see me and smiles. "I-I uh, I was just wondering... it's my birthday tomorrow and wanted to know if you'd like to come over after school tomorrow?" I ask awkwardly as I finally catch up to her. "Yeah that would be cool." She says. "Okay, g-great, I'll see you then." I smile. "Bye Y/N."
"Bye!" I wave and watch her get walk out the doors. I'm bought out of my daze when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see my mom standing next to me.

"What are you looking at?" She asked curiously, trying to follow where my eyes were but Mj was already out of sight. "Oh uh, nothing."
"Mhm." She cocked an eyebrow.

"So Mj said she can come over tomorrow." I tell her as we begin to walk to the car. "That's great."

The next morning

"Happy birthday honey!" Mom says as she jumps onto my bed. "Thank you." I smile as I go to hug her.
She peppers my head with lots of kisses before she pulls away from the hug.
"So I've got something for you, it's only small but I hope you like it." She says, and I only now realise she has a bag next to her. As I look in the bag I see a small box and I open it to see a silver arrow necklace.
"It's just like yours!" I smile. "I love it so much! Thank you." I practically jump into her arms. "You're welcome sweetheart."

I don't even realise that I'm crying until she says, "What's wrong?" In a concerned voice. "I don't know. I'm just so happy." I admit. "I haven't celebrated my birthday since my dad got sick because every cent we had went to his treatment, and then last year my mom forgot and I'm just so grateful for you." I cry.
I look up to my mom to see that tears are threatening to fall from her own eyes. "Sorry for making you sad." I frown. "Oh sweetheart you didn't make me sad, these are happy tears. I'm so incredibly grateful for you too, Y/N. Thank you for letting me be your mama." She says, wiping the tears from under my eyes.

After we'd both composed ourselves we went to get ready to go out for breakfast.

Y/N and I went out for breakfast this morning before going to see a movie. A while ago she told me that she'd never actually been to the theatres and that her Dad promised he'd take her, but never got the opportunity.

Whilst we were out I asked Yelena if she could come over and decorate the house for Y/N and of course she agreed. Even though it was just going to be the four of us tonight, I still wanted to make it special for Y/N.

Once we opened the front door we were met with streamers hanging from the door and the living room was filled with balloons. Y/N spotted Yelena and immediately ran up to her and embraced her in a hug which made me smile. "Hello child."

"Happy birthday to my favourite niece." Yelena said handing her a small box. "I'm your only niece." Y/N laughed. She placed the box in her lap, it wasn't closed completely at the top and when Y/N opened it she gasped when she saw a puppy.

I immediately glared at Yelena, she didn't check to see if I was okay with this. However, I couldn't stay mad when I saw how ecstatic Y/N was as she picked up the dachshund and it started licking her face, which made her laugh.

"Thank you Yelena." She smiled enthusiastically.

It was just after six when someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it!" Y/N said as she practically jumped off the sofa. I presumed it was Mj. "Hey." I hear Y/N say. "Hi, happy birthday."

Y/N and Mj make there way into the living room, "Hi sweetheart." I say. "Hi." Mj waves. "Mj, this is my auntie Yelena." Y/N introduces her and they say hello to each other.

We all get talking for a bit before I say, "Yelena and I are going to get started on dinner." leaving Mj and Y/N alone.

After mom and Yelena went to the kitchen Mj gave me my present. It was a silver bracket with a small daisy in the middle, which is my favourite flower. "Thank you Mj, this is beautiful." I smile and hug her.

"Y/N can I tell you something?" She asks. "Of course."
"I-I, uh, I hope this doesn't ruin anything but, I really like you. Like a lot. And it's okay if you don't feel the same way but I just felt like you should know."

It takes me a few moment to process everything before I say anything. "I really like you too Mj."

She smiles and slowly leans in until our faces are only inches away from each other. My eyes flickered between her lips and her eyes. She closes the gap and for the first time, her lips meet mine. The moment I kiss her, my stomach is swarmed with butterflies.

After we pull away from one another I smile widely - unable to control how I'm feeling - and I rest my head on her shoulder and let out a small giggle. Her head rests on mine and we start talking until we are called for dinner.

"You know, you could've checked with me about the dog. A month ago it was just me, then I gained a child and now a dog!" I tell Yelena. "You know I would say I'm sorry but after seeing her reaction, I don't regret it." She shrugs.

"So what's going on with Y/N and Mj?" Yelena asks in a slight whisper. The more time I spent in a room with them, the more obvious it became that they liked each other, so Yelena asking this didn't come to a shock. "I don't know." I shrug. "Y/N hasn't said anything to me about it but on Monday she did tell me that she liked girls so I'm wondering if she was talking about Mj."
Yelena thinks for a moment before deciding, "I'm going to go ask them."
"No Yelena, don't! Don't embarrass them like that." I yell in a whisper. "You're no fun."

About twenty minutes pass and I call them both for dinner. They both seem a bit awkward when the walk into the room but it seems to pass fairly quickly.
"I've decided to name my dog, Otis!" Y/N states. "Well Mj came up with the name."
"That's cute, I like it." Yelena smiles and so do I.

"Mom, can Mj stay the night? Pretty please? It's my birthday!" Y/N asks, giving me her best puppy dog eyes. "Fine. Just because it's your birthday, otherwise there would no way you were having a sleepover on a school night. As long as Mj parents are okay with it." I state.
"Yay! Thank you!" She enthuses as she gets off her chair and comes around the table to hug me.


After dinner we all had cake and watched a movie before Yelena had to leave and eventually Mj and
Y/N went to bed. It was already past one o'clock in the morning when Y/N came into my room and sat next to me on my bed.

"You okay baby?" I ask gently. "Yeah, I just wanted to give you a hug." She admits and I pull her in closer to me. I could tell there was something else
Y/N wanted to tell me, but I knew she would when she was ready.

"Mj kissed me." She admits, almost nervously. I pull away from her and gasp in excitement. "She did?!"
Y/N nods with a huge smile on her face.

A/N: hello!! I really enjoyed writing this one so I hope you enjoyed reading it :))

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