chapter nine

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. It's only 7:00am. Who the hell calls someone at 7:00 in the morning?

I carefully move off of the couch, trying not to wake Y/N as I do so. I pick it up to see that it's Officer Hill. "Hello?" I start. "Hi Natasha, it's Hill. I'm just calling to tell you that Y/N's stepfather is being held in custody and we will be taking him to court within the next few days." She declares. Okay, this is a lot for this time of day.

"Oh okay." I say. "Obviously, Y/N will be expected to show in court and she'll need you there as well. I don't know if you were planning on adopting her but if you are, I suggest that you get that sorted as soon as possible." Hill states.

"O-okay. How long do I have to get the adoption sorted." I ask. "If you put in an application to adopt her today, it could take anywhere between 3 days to 3 months." She says. "What happens to Y/N in the meantime?"

"She might be able to stay with you but the chances are slim. Y/N will most likely be put into a foster home."

I take in a deep breath as I try to hold my tears back. The thought of losing Y/N for up to 3 months, or even forever if my application isn't approved, scares me.

"Okay. Thank you for letting me know." I say sadly. "Of course. I'll call you again when we know we're going to court." Hill finishes before hanging up.

I put my phone down and rest my elbows in the kitchen counter as my head is in my hands. The tears fall down my face.

Once I compose myself I make myself a very strong cup of coffee.

Y/N is still sleeping peacefully on the couch as I sit down on the sofa opposite her and drink my coffee. How on earth am I meant to tell her that we have to go to court and, she might be put into a foster home.

My heart is racing. The caffeine doesn't help, but I need it to keep me functioning.

If you had told me a week ago this is what my life would look like, I wouldn't believe you.

It's already 10:30am by the time Y/N wakes up. "Hey sleepyhead." I playfully said. "Morning." She mumbles.

Y/N picks up her phone that's beside her and sees the time. "Aren't you and I meant to be at school right now?" She chuckled lightly. "Yeah well, we're taking the week off." I declare.


I decided not to tell Y/N until she's gotten ready for the day and has woken up a bit.

"Hey Y/N, can I talk to you for a bit?" I ask nervously as Y/N eats her lunch on the kitchen stool. "Yeah."

I take a deep breath before starting. "Officer Hill called this morning. Your stepfather is being held in custody and we need to go to court."

I can see the sadness and fear in her eyes but she says, "Okay. I kinda expected we'd need to go to court anyway." She sighs.

"Also, we're going to put in an application today so I can adopt you." I admit. "Yay!" Y/N enthuses.

"But-" I take a breath. "The application could take anywhere from a few days to a few months to process and in the meantime, you'll most likely be put into a foster home." I finish.

Y/N's face falls into a frown, much like my sisters does, and the tears pour down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, but I promise you I'm going to do everything I can." I cooed as I walk around the counter to hug her.

Y/N and I made our way back to the sofa and she sat between my legs as we both cried.


It was now 2:00pm and we've both composed ourselves. My heart feels extremely heavy though.

"You ready to go?" I smile. "Yep."

We make our way to the car and drive to the adoption agency.

Once we arrived there, Y/N and myself had to explain everything that has happened and I obviously had to prove that I would be a fit mother for Y/N.

They asked about my job, how Y/N and I met, my income, where I lived and so on.

I put in my application and had to sign some paperwork.

"Given the circumstances, I'd say you would have a very high chance of this application getting approved." They said which gave both myself and
Y/N some hope as both of us smiled widely at each other.

A/N: I felt inspired to write, so here's another chapter 🤷🏻‍♀️

This hasn't been proofread yet but I will edit it later.... Probably :)

Hope you all have a wonderful day/night. Sending love <3

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