Not One Fuckin' Word (Alfie Solomons x Female Pilot Reader)

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As requested by anon over at my Tumblr account (Fallatyourfeet)

A/N: I really enjoyed writing this one, hope you guys enjoy reading it. I felt like this would be better written from Tommy's perspective, let me know how you think it turned out.

Warnings: A little bit of swearing and it gets a little suggestive towards the end, but nothing descriptive.

Word count: 1500, yes that's right

 Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

 I would love to know what you think of my little stories

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All three Shelby brothers stood in the middle of the vast empty field. It was a glorious day. The sun shone warmly down from an endless blue sky, and yet, they barely even noticed. Alfie had insisted they meet in there to conduct their little transaction, his promise doing nothing to ease their misgivings. "I ain't gonna lie, it's a good place to do away with ya's, but I promise I ain't got that in mind just yet. It's just a good meetin' place, that's all." But Alfie was nervous. No, not nervous... strained, Tommy could see it from a mile away.

Besides that, he had come with just one of his men, a strange move when he knew all three of them were coming, after only yesterday agreeing to arrive at the field with even numbers. Tommy breathed quietly, keeping his features even and emotionless, despite the concerns passing through his head, "It was meant to be the three of us and three of you... Where's your third man, Alfie?"

Alfie answered, his manner a little condescending, "With the package, Tommy."

Struggling to keep his tone in check, he replied, "And why didn't you bring the package yourself?"

Outstretching his hands, the Camden baker raised his brows dryly, "Cause I got it comin in from the other side of the country. Now be patient, Tommy... It'll be here any minute."

Searching the deserted road off in the distance, Tommy and his brothers saw and heard nothing, not a single sign of any approaching automobile to signal the arrival of their package. How were they to know, that in just a few seconds they would hear the distant roar of your aircraft's engine as it flew through the perfect blue sky towards them? And how were they to know, that since the war, Alfie had a plane at his constant disposal, that he chose to never use and one of UK's best pilots warming his bed every night? Tommy always made it his business to know the ins and outs of the lives of his enemies and associates alike, but it was well known that Alfie was fiercely protective of his loved ones, leaving Tommy with little more than the knowledge that there was a woman in his life. And those that knew about her were either too loyal or too scared to spill the beans.

It was a rare thing for a woman to fly, but lucky for you, you were raised by a man who lived and breathed planes. A good man who took great pleasure in sharing with you, his only child, his obsession with flying planes. So it was only natural when his obsession became yours. And by the time you could walk and talk, he had you navigating in the cockpit behind him and by the time you were a grown woman you were flying the skies of Britain and Europe during the great war.

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