Tommy Shelby having a soft spot for you, would include: (Headcanon)

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Warnings: None

A/N: I started this and got halfway through, before stopping and starting all over. I liked the little story I was creating, so I decided I'd make it a one-shot instead. So that'll be coming at some stage. In the meantime, I hope this will do.

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• It was fair to say Thomas Shelby always had a soft spot for you... and he had known you for as long as he could remember.

• Anyone who was so fiercely protective of their family and close friends would always fair well in Tommy's books... and that was one quality you carried in spades.

• You were the younger sister of Curly, a harmless but rather dim-witted man and member of the Peaky Blinders, who to his credit made an exceptional horse handler... the best Tommy had seen.

• And those horse handling skills must have run in the family, because you too had proven yourself very capable of working alongside your brother, practically running the stables and Tommy knew he was leaving it in good hands.

• But unlike your older brother, you were very intelligent and quick-witted and never scared to throw your threats around when anybody even dared to take advantage of your sweet brother.

• And Tommy found it endearing.

• Even if it was one of the rougher Peaky Blinder boys getting out of line and taking advantage of Curly, you were never afraid to tell them to nick off and find themselves another lackey.

• Not that any of the boys would even dare threaten you. They were smart enough to know that the Shelby's would come knocking on their door if they even thought about doing you any harm.

• And besides all of that, you were beautiful too.

• He honestly couldn't remember seeing you in a dress since you were about fifteen, but still, no one could deny your beauty. And considering you spent most of the day surrounded by smelly foul mouthed men, you were surprisingly articulate and elegant.

• Quite honestly, he thought the world of you... and both Polly and Ada knew it.

• They saw the way his ears would prick up whenever somebody mentioned your name... the way his eyes were always quietly drawn to you whenever you were in the same room.

• Or how the time you did not show up for work, he personally knocked on your door to see if you were okay. And upon finding you unwell, sent a doctor to tend to you, making sure you had everything you needed.

• It was quite obvious really... even to himself, so he was never sure why he had never made his feeling known to you.

• He came close once. Walking into the stables, he found you standing in front of a horse... your favourite boy. You had your forehead resting against his snout as your hand ran affectionately along his neck. And the sunlight that broke through the otherwise dreary grey clouds streamed in through the entrance like ribbons, reflecting from the highlights in your (H/C) hair.

• The stunning sight had the air catching in his throat, his presence only becoming known to you when he made an effort to clear it, seeing you turn around to greet him with an equally stunning smile. It was then his words dried up in his mouth, leaving him standing there silently.

• Not that it was unusual for you to see him like that... he was the silent type, after all.

• So you didn't notice the small flush of colour that tinted his cheeks or the way he swallowed thickly, dropping his gaze to the hay under his boots, as you greeted him and got to work discussing the very matter he had come to see you about.

• But that all changed the day you finally agreed to come to the races.

• Tommy and the rest of the Shelby's had been trying to get you to come along for a while now, but you always declined, saying you would look and feel completely out of place among all those well dressed and refined ladies.

• Tommy offered to buy you a dress, but you turned him down. Smiling, you dropped your head to the side just a little, "Tommy, it's not the dress I'm worried about... you pay me well enough to go and buy myself a pretty dress... I just don't belong in a fancy place like that."

• But one day, you finally agreed... only because it was your favourite horse's racing debut.

• And you could have never been more wrong.

• Tommy came to pick you up. Hopping out of his car he went to knock on your door, but before his knuckles could tap against the wood, you opened it, leaving him speechless once again.

• You were sure to stand out in the crowd... and it wasn't because you didn't belong, either... You were stunning... utterly stunning.

• The day went a little too perfectly... You drank and chatted, laughed and smiled, gaining the attention of many men... refined men, Lords and Earls... and you charmed every one of them.

• And he couldn't help but inch himself a little closer with each passing hour, minute and second, fending off the men who stood a little too close... doing it all with just a single look.

• When it was time for the race, he stood at your side, your expression beaming and skin glowing under the soft sun, your excitement causing you to wrap your arm around his elbow.

• The feeling was bliss, his thoughts lost not on the race... but on you... your joy and excitement feeding his heart, filling it to the brim.

• And when your favourite boy passed the finish line before any other horse, his brimming heart overflowed when you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him.

• He knew then, there would be no going back... no longer could he stand on the sidelines holding himself back from you...

• And so he kissed you... maybe a little too enthusiastically for a Sunday at the races... but he didn't care... because you were kissing him back.

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