Quiet Courage (Shelby Family x Sibling Reader)

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Credit to the Gif Creator

anonymous asked:

Hello, I saw that you had said that your requests were open so I thought. "You best ask now". So here is my request. Shelby family x reader. So like the reader is Ada's twin or younger sister. Reader has always been a sickly girl(which resalted in her father's wrath when she was young and makes her super skittish.) But like she does all the laundry and cleaning for her older brothers and they all have a soft spot for her. And then I don't know, like she gets super ill again and just angst+fluff.

Word Count: 2413, Whoops, I wasn't expecting it to be this long (I hope it doesn't bore you)

Warnings: Angst, worry, concern, sick reader (breathing difficulties-asthma)

A/N: I've never written a fanfic for a character x sibling before (I mean, the last thing I want is to have Thomas Shelby as a brother, I would much prefer to know him in a different way, wink,wink) so hopefully you think it's turned out okay. Hope you enjoy and please, feel free to send me a message/comment/ask, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.

(YN) had always been a sickly child, from the very moment she was pulled from her mother's womb she struggled for life. Fragile and tiny, she was born far too early and every breath she took was a hard-fought battle. There was not a single member of the Shelby family who thought she would survive, yet she did, she may have been small and weak but she was a fighter, her tiny body refusing to ever give in.

There was only a single year of separation between her and her older sister Ada, though you would never know, after a childhood full of breathing problems and illnesses her growth failed to reach its full potential, making her appear far younger than her actual age. Nevertheless, she was a very beautiful girl, with long (HC) hair, stunning (EC) eye and the sweetest disposition imaginable. However, being so weak and vulnerable made her a target for her father's cruel nature, he would often take out his anger on the poor child and as a result, she grew up very timid and shy, cowering away from any kind of conflict. Yet, her brothers and sister adored her, often provoking their father to direct his anger towards them whenever he looked close to losing control with her. And so, the day their father walked out of the Shelby family for good, was a day almost worth celebrating.

As she grew into adulthood, her health improved immensely, it wasn't that she didn't get sick because she often did, but thankfully it was never too serious and before they knew it, their sweet sister would be up and about taking care of her family in any way she was able. Physically unable to go out and work, she helped in other ways, trying to cook for her family almost every day and do the laundry whenever she was physically able and her brother's knowing how hard it was for her to do what she did, absolutely loved her for it. After coming back from France, they all struggled in their own different ways and (YN) somehow knew exactly what they needed to get them through their horrible moments of despair. Arthur in particular, benefitted from her presence, the simple knowledge of knowing his little sister wouldn't cope with his violent and erratic outbursts, kept him from such actions without any effort at all, her mere presence enough to keep his mind clear and calm.

The morning started out like any other, with (YN) waking to make her family breakfast. Always the first Shelby to wake she hated to waste the day away in bed, after spending countless days as a child sick and bedridden, the thought of lying idly in her bedroom had never appealed to her. Standing at the stove stirring the porridge her brother Tommy was the next to join her, placing a quick kiss to her temple, he spoke, "Morning (YN)."

Giving her brother a smile, she turned to face him, "Good morning to you too."

When Tommy's eyes took in her face, his expression fell, "Are you okay, you look very pale." Placing a hand to her forehead and cheek, he was relieved to find she had no temperature. Gesturing for the wooden spoon, he said, "Here, let me do it this morning, why don't you go and sit down."

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