Karma's A Bitch (Thomas Shelby x Reader)

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This little story came from a request I received here on Wattpad

Can I request one with Tommy Shelby? Maybe one where Tommy and the reader are in a relationship and Lizzy is jealous and always treats the reader like she's a whore when Thomas is not around. One day she steals the reader's clothes while she's showering and the reader is stuck naked and she gets caught by John and Arthur that just like stare or something then Tommy comes and gets all protective idk and something cute at the end ..

Okay, so I didn't exactly stick to the request and it didn't exactly end fluffy, but I hope you still enjoy it!

A/N: How I ended up writing some almost smut, I'll never know... I swear, it wasn't my intention.

Word Count: 2546 it was supposed to be about a thousand less words.

Warnings: Swearing. An embarrassing situation for the reader involving her being naked. Slight violence.

Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

The first time Tommy introduced you to Lizzie, you thought she was lovely

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The first time Tommy introduced you to Lizzie, you thought she was lovely. Tommy was taking you out for the evening but needed to stop by his office to sign some papers first. You knew about his history with Lizzie, and that she still worked for him, but he assured you that in no way did he still hold affection for her... at least not in an intimate sense. And you believed him, he gave you no reason to suspect otherwise. Quite honestly, he adored you... and even though he wasn't the type to profess his undying love, everyone knew it. And this certainly did not go unnoticed by Lizzie.

In Tommy's office Lizzie waited, pen and papers in hand, ready for his signature and after Tommy introduced you she smiled and introduced herself, speaking with you happily as Tommy sat down and signed away. But the Lizzie you met that day was not the Lizzie you got to know. When Tommy was not around or if he left the room, Lizzie's lovey smile would fall from her face, her eyes would ice over and she would go out of her way to make you feel like a cheap and worthless whore.

Yet, for some reason you never bothered Tommy with the problem. Probably because, well... he had enough of his own problems to deal with and you didn't want him thinking you were jealous of her or insecure of his affections for you. Besides, it was your arms he came to at the end of the day, not her... and that left you the winner in this scenario. But her hatred of you only seemed to intensify, every time you crossed paths.

At first it was just little things. She would purposely step on your toes, spill a few drops of whisky on you or blatantly leave you out of the conversation. But with your silence and no repercussions from Tommy, things started getting out of hand. Until just the other day when it all came to a head. Just thinking about it still had you recoiling... embarrassment flushing heat across every inch of your body.

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