Empty Promises (Tommy x Wife Reader) Oneshot

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Summary: Tommy can be a cruel man sometimes, but YN still loves him.

Word count: 746

Warnings: Nothing really.

A/N: This is my first fic in a long long time. It's short but hopefully sweet.

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"Tommy, you promised". Standing at the empty desk of his Arrow House study, you held the telephone receiver to your ear staring at your reflection in the window. It was so dark outside that the pane of glass worked perfectly as a mirror. You looked good. Really good. Beautiful even. Exhaling silently, your eyes dropped to the rug beneath your favourite pair of heels. It felt like forever since you had a reason to put on a beautiful dress and powder your nose. And after countless empty promises from Tommy to get home early and take you out, you thought that tonight he was finally going to come through. No less than an hour ago he called to say he was a minute from leaving the office, and now... well, he was still in that very same office telling you that something had come up and not to expect him home before midnight.

The familiar click of Tommy's tongue travelled down the telephone line to your ear, "I'm sorry YN, I need to close this deal tonight. It shouldn't be taking this long... but there was a problem with the contract... it's getting amended right now."

Frustrated, you shook your head as if he was standing right in front of you, sure he could hear the shortness in your voice, but you were unable to bite your tongue. "Jees Tommy, I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go... Why couldn't you let me know an hour ago?" Giving him no chance to reply, you huffed, throwing a hand in the direction of the sitting room, "And what about Polly... she's already here to mind the kids."

Clearing his throat, you could swear Tommy's voice just broke a little. Was he amused by your frustration? "Don't worry about Polly, she'll use any excuse to see the children... she won't care."

Letting slip an annoyed grumble, you sank into the chair beside you. Staring into the darkness outside your frustration began to fade as disappointment took hold, your grumble finishing with a defeated sigh, "I just wish... I wish... I don't even know anymore... I miss you, Tommy. I just want you to myself... for one night." That was the moment you noticed headlights turn in at the top of the driveway. Sitting upright, you focused on the car, but it wasn't familiar. "Who's that. Tommy, were you expecting anyone tonight?"

Tommy asked, "What about two nights, eh?"

Confused, you stood up and walked around the desk to the window, scrutinising the car as it made its way up the driveway, "What do you mean?... Are you expecting someone?"

"What about two nights," Tommy repeated.

The car rolled to a stop out the front of the house, leaving you even more confused. It was a brand-new Rolls-Royce limousine, complete with its very own chauffeur. Suspicion crept upon your voice as you spoke, "What are you talking about, Tommy. What do you mean, two nights?"

A soft chuckle sounded from the other end of the telephone, his voice now clearly amused, "What I mean is, no business, no races, no horses... nothing. Just you and me for the whole weekend to do whatever the hell we want."

You fell silent a moment, unsure what was happening. This was completely uncharted waters; Tommy had never done anything like this before. You could hardly string a sentence together, "What? Whatever do you... I don't... What's going on?"

Mumbling something about you being adorable when you're frustrated and confused, Tommy chuckled again, before elaborating. "See that man out the window, that's George, your chauffeur. He's going to collect a suitcase in the foyer that Polly has packed for you and bring you to me." Giving you a moment to collect your thoughts, he waited before clearing his throat, "So why don't you go upstairs and kiss the children goodnight for me and tell them we'll be home in a couple of days."

Shaking your head, you couldn't contain the joy in your voice, "You're such an ass, Tommy. Why couldn't you just tell me, instead of torturing me like that?"

Tommy laughed audibly, "I'll tell you what. Why don't you hurry up and get your own ass down here and you can punish me in any way you want."

With a devilish voice, you sighed, "Oh Tommy, my love. Don't you worry about that... I've got the whole car ride there to decide... and believe me, I already have a few ideas."

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