You Really Don't Know... Do You? (Finn Shelby x Reader - oneshot)

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Credit to the Gif creator

Summary: (YN) has grown up with the Shelby's, they are like family to her, so what happens when her father forbids her from seeing them anymore?

Word count: 2810

Warnings: Angst, fluff, and one instance of physical abuse (Parent/child)

A/N: This was requested by someone over at Tumblr. 

Please feel free to let me know what you think via message or comment, feedback is welcome and appreciated.

(YN) was a sweet, calm and caring young women, just the tender age of sixteen and considering she was raised in the thick of Small Heath, she was rather well spoken and elegant. Such a beautiful, clever and articulate girl and if it wasn't for her battered shoes and plain dresses she would have fit in very nicely among people from the more affluent parts of town. Just how she ended up that way, she really had no idea, yet as she sat in the kitchen with her screaming father her normally calm and articulate nature was nowhere in sight.

At the table she sat with her arms crossed, biting her bottom lip, trying so hard to keep from shouting, but she was so close to the end of her tether that she could feel her eyes burning up and her biting words ready to fly from her mouth. Looking up to her father she stared at him defiantly as he stood over her, his voice and words threatening, "You will marry that man... even if I have to drag you down the isle myself."

That was it, those words she had fought so hard to hold back finally came barreling out. Slamming her hands against the table she pushed herself back, the chair scrapping loudly over the floor, standing up she looked him square in the eyes, "I... will... not... marry... him."

Seething, her father turned and walked to the other side of the kitchen, spinning back around to face her. Throwing his hands up in the air he almost spat out his words, "It's that bloody Shelby boy isn't it? I told you I didn't want you seeing him anymore."

Taking a deep breath, (YN) tried to calm herself, managing to keep her voice even, "What does Finn have to do with this? It's not his fault I don't want to marry any of the men you've brought home to parade in front of me." It was true, from the moment (YN)'s father had forbidden her to see Finn, he had tried to marry her off to at least six different men, some nearly double her age. It was as if he couldn't wait to be rid of her, like she was a burden. If she was being honest with herself she had always felt like a burden to him. Shaking her head, she felt what little calm she held, vanish out the kitchen window, "You're such a hypocrite, Da... It was fine for me to grow up with the Shelby's when Polly was around to feed me and care for me, but the moment she up and moves, they're suddenly not good enough."

Clearly not accustom to his usually sweet daughter talking back to him, he closed the distance between them with quick, tense strides, "Don't you dare... who do you think you are talking to me like that?"

Unwilling to back down, she held her ground, "But it's true... I was at the Shelby's every day from the time the sun rose to the time it set and you never had a problem with it, as long as you could go to the pub and have a beer." (YN) knew her words were upsetting him, but she couldn't stop herself, everything she said was the truth. "So how can you expect me to cut them out if my life...? And Finn is sweet and kind, never has he been cruel to me and never has he gotten me into any kind of trouble."

Now her father was shaking his head, "I don't care how he treats you... as long as you associate with that family, no man is gonna touch you." Taking a deep breath, he released it with a huff, "Do you know how hard it was to find any men even willing to come and meet you...? There all too scared they're gonna have the Peaky Blinders knockin' on their front door."

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